Holy schmoley

I have Quicktime Pro, so I was able to watch it in full screen at dinofcelestialbirds.com. WOW. Staggering. Just staggering. I'm surprised more people haven't seen/commented/voted on this.

This is the kind of work that one would be content with retirement after.


I liked it. In fact, I like everything Elias Merhige does. I remember being blown out of the water by Shadow of the Vampire. After that it was a search for Begotten (caught it in pieces on youtube which means I basically still haven't experienced. I bought Suspect Zero because he directed it. He also does great commentaries. When I'm at my drawing table I'm apt to be listening to his Shadow of the Vampire commentary (luckily I've seen it several times as I can't really turn away from the board).

Din of Celestial Birds is poetry. It tells a story in it's own abstract manner. The fact that he didn't use color is amazing and daring in itself. I love this kind of filmmaking. I work as a storyboard artist and I have to say I'd sign up to work on one of his projects in a flat minute.

I'm going to the website for another viewing.


I just saw this on Youtube and I have to say that it's like a trippier, less bloody, less bleak, and much shorter version of Begotten. Overall, it is much nicer in comparison to its predecessor although the humanoid at the end does recall the imagery of the earlier film.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger
