Spoilers Question

What was the deal at the beginnign that caused the ripper to be possed or whatever


how do u destroy a spirit or stop it from entering you?



The Dad was a schizophrenic, and one of the personalities was purely evil. At the 16th birthday, it was time for the evil spirit to manifest itself into one of the 7 born that day. Something about a deal with the Devil. Why 16? Probably because that was their entering manhood as pointed out in the film.

Anyways, as the 7 started dying their good souls were being taken in by Bug. The evil soul had already entered into the kid who was ultimately the killer. And killing him took care of ridding the evil soul.

At least that is what I got from it.


The dad wasn't schizophrenic. They just thought he was since he (for some reason) had multiple souls in him.
When he died, the souls disbursed out into the children that were born on that night.

Also, you couldn't ward youself. the only way to get rid of it was to kill the person.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about
