MovieChat Forums > Ghosts (2007) Discussion > End on screen words pissed me off :@

End on screen words pissed me off :@

I cant believe the government will not help the families who lost someone that day!



Playing 'Devils Advocate' - why should they? They were here illegally to begin

On another subject... I remember 'THE' night very well. I was in my office in Lancaster (15 mins from Morecambe Bay) that night (I was pulling an all nighter at the time) and was wondering what all the sirens, helicopters etc. were. I felt a shiver down my spine the next morning. Tragic.


Our bigots killed their workers. We owe, whether we admit we owe or not.



cinnamonbrandy, we owe them nothing, out "bigots" killed nobody

they were illegel immigrants

call me the "bigot" but soft hearted people like you destroy this country



really, so when they pick your onions for pennies they're OK, but when they need help they're illegel (sic!) immigrants and they deserve nothing?

and you dare take the high ground? disgusting...


Our bigots killed their workers. We owe, whether we admit we owe or not.


This. - Vote History


It's a tough one, yes they were here illegally, but they were exploited and were/are the backbone of the food industry! Of course the government should help! - Vote History


Well they knew they were risking everything so it shouldn't be their problem.

However there is a donation fund on the official website where you can pledge some money for the families. I think they've already raised £30,000 already and are hoping to donate £500,000


This is where you can donate:




While I have great sympathy for the families of the deceased who are left with huge debts to pay off, I can fully understand why the British government have declined to stump up compensation.

What sort of precedent would they be setting if they made pay outs for those here illegally. Their duty of care extends only as far as the legal citizens of Great Britain. End of.



yeah i feel similarly, i dont think the govt has any sort of obligation or duty to pay off their debts,
but all the same it still seems pretty heartless and inhuman to do absolutely nothing.
they could appeal or put pressure on the chinese govt (futile though this may be) or better still use this an incentive to crack down and eliminate the gangs that extort these people in the first place.....or i dont know atleast bring awareness to the situation.


I hope the Brit cocklepickers are proud of themselves now, but then they'll probably never watch this film.

"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul" - C.G.Jung


but surely they heard about it at the time.
