Made me uneasy watching it

I don't know too much about siblings in Japan, but I found their love somewhat twisted and perverted. In most other Japanese films, brothers and sisters are usually at each others throats. I really thought Nana Eikura was very sweet and vulnerable as Iku. I would have loved to have dated her.

I think Yori's yearnings could really have ruined his sister. I really can't imagine those two falling in love with one another, but I guess those things can happen. I haven't seen Yuuko Asano in any films for quite a while and it was refreshing to see her as their mother. She still looks good after all these years. Her character sure didn't have much of a clue what was going on in her children's life or else she just chose to ignore it. I thought she did suspect something at one point, but nothing was ever said.

That guy Yano was just plain weird. I thought he was more interested in Yori than Iku and the thought of that just plain grossed me out. He was always giving Yori advice, yet Yori had the babes wrapped around his finger.

The film sure was rather slow moving and didn't seem to have much purpose. Brothers and sisters getting married are just too strange for my taste. The field they returned to was plowed over, but so what. If they were hot for each other, that shouldn't have changed a thing. I seriously could have given up in the middle of this movie and wouldn't have cared a bit.


Although I enjoyed this movie (due to it's ending and how the ending related to the rest of the film.) I felt the love was twisted as well. But how can it not be, the relationship is just wrong, no matter how you look at it from a moral standpoint.

I think if they were a normal brother and sister they would have been at each others' throats. But being at each others' throats would mean unrestrained emotions. Everything about their relationship before the kiss was restrained. Then afterwards, the flood gates seemed to open temporarily. Yori again withdrew his emotions after Tomoko Kusanagi stated the obvious to him about what his relationship would end up doing. The thinking here for Yori seemed like a 'all or nothing at all' way of showing emotion. [Consequently, in the end when he asked Iku to smile through the tears with him, it seemed to me that he had emotionally developed as a person in those last ten steps, enough to be able to make such a request of his decidedly forbidden sister. For me, the fact that they leave hand in hand also speaks leaps and bounds on how far Yori has come emotionally.]

In regarding to the mother, I too was a bit perplexed about what was going through her mind during her 'cleaning scene'. I believe that usually when people are faced with the idea of something 'horrible' happening under their own noise that they will try to come to a conclusion in their mind to deflect those horrible thoughts. She did follow up with asking the the twins about their dating lives in an effort to explain away the unslept in bed in her own mind. (Perhaps trying to justify it as Yori seeing someone secretly from school and sneaking out at night with them.)I may be reading between the lines a lot here, but the out of the blue question seemed to be placed there for a direct fact finding purpose. Moms are sneaky like that. :)

I agree, Yano was completely weird. Tomoko Kusanagi had a direct reason for 'accepting' the twins' relationship, but Yano--- what fool cheers on his friend to do something so completely wrong...with the girl he supposedly likes?! I think it would be taking it too far to say he was a romantic. I think it takes a 'love the girl, love her family' idea to a creepy new level.

About the field. It was just like a big gigantic flashing sign that had been there all along in their minds ["This can't last"], that they could no longer ignore because it was so in their face that it surrounded and engulfed them.

As for me, but were it not for the ending, I would have hated this movie and cursed it for 'wasting my time.' I'm very glad I watched till the end.


Did Yano really like Iku? I don't know, but it seemed he liked Yori... Like when they were talking Yano said he couldn't say to the person he liked her, but hadn't he already confessed to Iku? And then in the roof he was seeing a photo of him and Yori in his cellphone.


I had to watch this movie again. Yori is hot! Anyway Iku in the begining of the movie was the narrator and admitted that she was romantically in love with her brother the statement I wish he wasn't my brother. And then she said in different words because I want to be with him. So at the end of the film they both admitted it to each other. Even though the relationship was wrong I wish that when they left that field they ran away to live together where no one would know who they are or judge them.



are you serious IndigBubb? run away together? what part of sibling desire is wrong dont you get? yes the love did break my heart and i wished they actually weren't twins but FACT they are in the's's the same thing as a father 'loving' his daughter in all the wrong ways...they are flesh and blood..THE's not part of the natural order..i dont mean to be rude or anything, it's ur opinion, but seriously, come up with a better's sick.

I believe I can fly. I believe i can drop and die.


you guys should watch the anime instead or read the manga, this live version wasn't very good tbh.

