Steven Seagal?

Is Steven gonna be in this sequel?


No, I highly doubt it.


No bill Goldberg Stars in this movie.
Along with Currupt the rapper and Jarule from Half Past Dead the original



This movie is better off without Seagal. Have you seen the crap he's been in lately? Camacho leaves a lot to be desired as a director(and a fight choreographer for that matter) but his movies are usually at the least entertaining. Something you can't say about most of Seagal's movies anymore.

Who says violence is not the answer?


Gotta agree with you about Segal's movies lately. They really seem to lack that certain something that got audiences interested in him in the first place. He hasn't made a decent film in years. The last one he did that I found remotely engaging was Glimmer Man; and only then because of Keenan Ivory Wayans.

