The ticks?

Weird to me. So he picked them off? Ticks are difficult to get off.


I don't think they were ticks... they didn't look like ticks. Problem is, I don't know what they were supposed to be.

Edit: Upon further research, they are ticks. Maybe they were full, when full they're easier to get off.


More importantly: What do all the tick bites symbolize? Is this scene in the movie simply to mislead the viewer - who already knows it's a horror movie - into expecting the man to do 'horrific' things later on, caused by his coming Lyme disease, when it later turns out the be the woman (simplified, but still)?

I really don't get it - any interpretations out there? I would love to hear them!


I think it's beginning of Eden proving to be a threat, literally sucking the life out of him: It's all downhill from there.


It's pretty simple actually. He's safe in the house, but his arm/ hand stuck outside, across the border so to say and into nature. It's simple another sign of nature as threatening.


Good point
