Very satisfying!

This is a solid, well shot and enjoyable film, that delivers EXACTLY what it's supposed to.

I can't fathom why people are criticising the script, acting etc. What the hell are you doing watching THIS type of film if that's the only thing you're worried about?! This is a straight up no nonsense ACTION film, and it delivers exactly what it promises. REAL BRUTAL ACTION!! I can't recall the last time I saw so many fight scenes so realistically shot and put together in a film. Ofcourse, you see the odd one now and again in big budget Hollywood and Hong Kong stuff that looks great, but this is a low budget BRITISH film for Christ's sake!! Give these guys some credit! They did an amazing job and should be applauded for it!

And to the poster who said this was the worst script ever, that has to be the most inaccurate statement ever made! Out of all the appallingly bad films you can find right here on IMDB, you choose THIS as your worst script ever?! A film that does not pretend to be anything it's not and does what it set out to do better than any other film of it's type I can recall seeing in years should be heaped with praise, not criticised.

I think some people just seem to have missed the point of this film entirely. If you want depth, proper characterisation and eloquent rich dialogue, you're in entirely the wrong place. Go over to the Pride & Prejudice message board and post there instead...
