MovieChat Forums > Frost/Nixon (2009) Discussion > Watched part of the real interviews last...

Watched part of the real interviews last night

I watched an edited version of the Watergate-based section last night on Netflix. It was reasonably entertaining and it was certainly interesting. I thought Frost came off surprisingly good given what I'd heard beforehand - he could have been harsher perhaps, but neither is he deferential or throwing Nixon softballs. Nixon, on the other hand, comes off as a really slimy, self-serving scumbag, particularly during his faux-apology - the film definitely gets that much wrong.

Interesting? Definitely. Better drama than the film? Questionable.

"I am Mr. Shackelford's attorney, Rusty Shackelford, and my client pleads insanity."


PBS ran the Watergate interview a couple of months ago, and I watched that before I saw Frost/Nixon. I guess part of it is watching it with the perspective of the past three decades, it's hard to imagine what it was like for people seeing it for the first time, only a few years after the resignation.


Nixon, on the other hand, comes off as a really slimy, self-serving scumbag, particularly during his faux-apology - the film definitely gets that much wrong.

Frank Langella is a much better actor than Nixon was, he is able to pull off fake contrition.
