MovieChat Forums > Frost/Nixon (2009) Discussion > The Staff in the movie are the reasons w...

The Staff in the movie are the reasons why Liberal News has failed

Seriously the ABC Guy and the other Liberal Guy do not want to report the news all the do is as they say want a conviction. Throughout the movie they are portrayed as people with an agenda and part of it is to ruin the former President. This is the reason why people no longer watch CBS, CNN and why NBC’s numbers are abysmal. They don’t report, they just preach their hatred and political ideology and go after whoever regardless.

From the get go they wanted this interview to be a witch hunt

They even got upset and used in film how they were upset that the film crew spoke about they wish they voted for Nixon and how shameful it was


Agree, the producers did not come off very well. In the film Frost/Nixon, Nixon was the winner in a split decision.


Tough noogies. Nixon deserved far harsher than he got.

"I am Mr. Shackelford's attorney, Rusty Shackelford, and my client pleads insanity."


They even got upset and used in film how they were upset that the film crew spoke about they wish they voted for Nixon and how shameful it was

"...if that was off, I'd be whoopin' your ass up and down this street." ~ an irate Tarantino



I agree with you up to this point:

You enjoy a world of black and white, no shades of gray. You enjoy simple answers. My guess is that you enjoy the Bible and Fox News. Simple answers for a simple person.

You're rather a self-righteous hypocrite, aren't you?

"I am Mr. Shackelford's attorney, Rusty Shackelford, and my client pleads insanity."


These discussions always make me think of the studies they've done where people rate the news as the most "trustworthy" when it's telling them what they want to hear. So, conservatives think conservatives news is real and non-conservative news is all lies, where as liberals think conservative news is lies and liberal news is real. It seems like we've gotten into a very dangerous mindset in which we won't listen to anything that we don't already believe.

That said, I always find myself thinking back to the Colbert line: "Reality has a distinct liberal bias."


Hear hear.

"I am Mr. Shackelford's attorney, Rusty Shackelford, and my client pleads insanity."


Now that we have endured your liberal preaching, I will ask you and other liberals here the question I ask liberals in person when discussing the Watergate issue. Let's say RFK had not been tragically killed in 1968 and had been elected president. And let's say, for the sake of argument, some of his aids had burglarized RNC Headquarters in Washington, DC in the summer of 1972. And let's say after learning of this, RFK and, of course, Ted Kennedy, started working on a massive cover up. Now bring in Woodward and Bernstein who stumbled on the cover up and we know the rest of the story. Does anyone really believe the Washington, DC and New York media establishment would have gone after Robert Kennedy with the same vigor that they spent on Richard Nixon? Not even close. First, the media LOVED the Kennedys. Second, the media never goes after a liberal Democrat in the same manner they go after any conservative Republican. The media always had it in for Richard Nixon. I am not making excuses for Nixon. I am just saying, if it had been a Kennedy rather than Nixon, Watergate would never have been more than a 1 or 2 day story at best.


wow! that's a straw man's straw man argument.

I'm not only a client, I'm the playa president.



like the other guy said, i think you are perhaps rather naive with respect to politics and the media in general.

i hope you are not an avid fan of FOX news?



To Pious Augustus:

Your handle is a rather pious attempt at augustness...don't you think?

Your point about "liberal media": "They don't report, they just preach their hatred..." And FOX does what? Elsewhere in this thread someone mentions that partisans just listen to the voices which say what they already agree with. That's the most intelligent comment in this thread...and it goes for both sides. More people should watch C-CPAN.

Ciao, e buon auguri


C-SPAN is the most boring thing in the Universe.

"Earth first! Make Mars our bitch!"


Well Hancock,

Why am I not surprised by that response? Want me to call them up and see if they can spice up their programming with some tits and ass and gratuitious violence and car crashes?

Ciao, e buon auguri


Man, could you be more obnoxious and patronizing?

It's Congressmen blathering away for hours on end, and often not even that - overhead long shots of Congressmen and women talking amongst themselves, or cut-aways to marginally more interesting DC banalities. Most of the time there are only a handful of Congressmen even there, and rarely do they actually discuss anything of significance. I'm sorry, but I can't even pretend to be interested in a debate over, say, the allocation of funds for potholes in Texarkana. Sure, it's interesting if there's an important bill or spirited debate going on, but how often does that happen? You're lucky if there's an hour of interesting stuff in a twenty-four hour period, and I'm not willing to sit through all of that just to see an interesting bill come up.

I'm interested in how our government works, certainly, but not so much that I care to be bogged down in the tiniest minutia possible. When I read a book about World War II, I don't really care what kind of toothpaste FDR used, or if Hitler cleaned his toenails with a wire hanger. Would you watch security footage of an insurance office because a kook might come in, or because two employees might engage in an interesting discussion?

Bottom line: Some stuff just isn't interesting. If you enjoy it, then good for you, but there's no need for you to be a braying jackass about it.

"Earth first! Make Mars our bitch!"



Who's the braying jackass? ! You get the patronization you deserve. Too bad...cuz we seem to be of similar philosophic mind on a number of issues related to this discussion.

Ciao, e buon auguri


Who's the braying jackass?

The guy who insults someone for having better things to do with his time than watch C-SPAN all day. I suppose reading historical books and school work doesn't matter, eh wot?

You get the patronization you deserve.

Yeah, I deserve having my entire person demeaned because I don't care for C-SPAN. Nothing else about me matters in the slightest. Good show, sir.

Too bad...cuz we seem to be of similar philosophic mind on a number of issues related to this discussion.

I never doubted for a moment that many people who share my views are pompous fatheads.

"Earth first! Make Mars our bitch!"


OK, That's enough...I'm done with you.

Ciao, e buon auguri


"Earth first! Make Mars our bitch!"

