
You may call it "influence" but in my opinion, some specific shots/scenes were almost a copy of an idea from elephant, lolita (the new version), lilja 4-ever and a little bit from the virgin suicides, but especially lolita and lilja 4-ever and I guess a bit more of some current indie films.

Now, don't get me wrong - I liked the film. I though the end was way too dramatic, but maybe it's just me. Adele was gorgeous and made my stomach hurt (and I'm a straight girl), but I didn't like the fact that several shots and scenes were copied. It pissed me off.



What? no, it's a different film. I didn't thought it was similar to 'show me love' .

(It's me from the previous message, by the way.)



Another user write that the scene where marie eats the apple is from another old movie too...



I was thinking more of L'Effrontee (1985)

Charlotte's [Marie] obsession with Clara [Floriane], who is a prodigy in piano [Floriane's talent in synchronized swimming]
Charlotte neglects her friendship with her bestfriend Lulu [Anne] when she begins to hang out with Clara.

And the resemblance of the young Charlotte Gainsbourg and Pauline Acquart, as well as Lulu and Anne's similar haircut made me really think of L'Effrontee so much! Watch L'Effrontee and see for yourselves.

Though I liked L'Effrontee and adore Charlotte Gainsbourg, I will still choose Naissance des pieuvres over L'Effrontee in a heartbeat. Naissance des pieuvres is one of the best films that I have ever seen, no doubt about it.



