On Film Four in UK

tonight Thursday May 13th at 10.45pm BST


I know its great that i can now record it on my big telly's HDD.


just watched, liked it a lot



Nice, quiet, relfective little film. Very french. Sensitively put together, not really voyeuristic or salacious at all. To be honest, I was expecting to feel a little uncomfortable, being a 33 year old bloke watching a film that seemed to be about teenage lesbian swimmers, but it was all very tasteful really. I love Film Four for some of the stuff they put on. Best channel in the UK.

"Stay out of trouble you crazy kids" - Winston Wolf.


Agreed, exquisite filmmaking. Really enjoying the world cinema season on Film Four at the mo. Just a shame they have to show the foreign language films so late.


I am watching the recording, 7/10

