Interesting movie

I liked things about this movie... Lloyd Kaufman's Troma intro is actually pretty funny. Never the less, Troma DVDs are kind of annoying. I think Troma should have a separate label for the more art house films they buy distribution rights to. Things like this shouldn't be lumped together with Troma's tasteless titles. They could call it 'ArtFag Crap' if it would make Lloyd feel better.

'Demons Among Us' is a weird combination of high art stylized imagery and grueling terror... Every shot was treated with filters, and there was tons of FX shots that added to the bizarre tone of the film. The gore was okay, but could have been better. The sound and music was surprisingly good as well as the acting (for the most part). Being a true Aussie flick gives it some flavor, but I'm not sure I understood the humor... if it was intended. In fact, I couldn't really understand what the film was all about. It was just kind of hypnotic and fun to watch. Here's what I gathered:

A guy moves to town and meets a girl... then he wakes up to a creepy guy in his house and runs like crazy. Then... um... the girl has a friend who turns into a demon. The police think the guy killed everyone. Then there's this corrupt Hollywood producer guy who doesn't appear to have much to do with anything. I think this is where they were trying to make some kind of commentary...
As it turns out, maybe this guy is the reason behind all the demons, but I'm not sure.

I think the film would have been better if it had spent more time exploring the demons and mixing it up with the David Lynch artsy stuff. It seemed to be a struggle between being a straight up experimental horror film, and trying to tell some kind of weak narrative. I say toss the narrative, and just make an 86 minute movie that feels like it was directed by a Satan worshiping schizophrenic.

It's not a masterpiece by any means, but I can tell a lot of hard work went into this thing, and it boldly defies many genre cliches, which is always fun. I look forward to Simpson's next movie.
