Know your math!

As I recall he says his people were enslaved for 500 years.

Ok, Columbus brought African slaves with him and started the first plantation in 1492. Then by Mooney history, the slaves were freed by George H.W. Bush
in 1992? Or are they free yet in Mooney-land?

Know your hyperbole?


Good Times, Noodle Salad


Mooney history? Are you for real? There are documented cases of slavery that was going on in the 20th century. Check out this DVD......


He said 500 years. That only slightly less than the time since Columbus landed in 1492. And he is talking about the open institution of slavery established as legal in several U.S. states and abolished by the civil war, not some black market horror that is thoroughly illegal that may well exist in many places. Mooney was making the statement that his people had been enslaved by the once legal institution abolished by 1865. Take you quibbles elsewhere. I am for real. Are you? Where do I send your tinfoil hat?


Good Times, Noodle Salad


Internet tough guy! Whatever. Come see me in person, guarantee you won't say a word.

My tinfoil hat is at your Mom's house on the nightstand in the bedroom.


Yeah, that worked about 10 million times for Hitler but he did not last long just the same. Most of the ten million didn't say a word either, but who got the last word? Hitler was black you know.


Good Times, Noodle Salad
