dvd availability?

Does anyone know when this movie will become available to purchase in the US or be able to watch it online?



I just saw a DVD available on ebay but it's a Swedish release and evidently doesn't play in the US? Don't understand, but I guess it's a regional thing.


Yeah, I don't think it will be released in the U.S. on DVD. Saw the movie in Phoenix in 2008 I think it was and enjoyed the film. I would like a DVD copy of it also.


It is so unfair that this movie didn't get a wider release it played at some festivals and people really enjoyed it so why not release it when we see so much rubbish released but good films not. I would like to know if there is going to be at the least a video release in the U.S. or Europe as I would like to buy a copy.


I watched it last night. Got it from Netflix.


Thanks. I have now ordered it from Amazon and I am just waiting for it to be sent. I cannot wait to see it and the extras, as well.


i personally prefer wisevid (loads fast) or megavideo (loads fast, but cuts you off after 72 mins)...

anyhow, enjoy! :-)


It's mercy, compassion and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality...


Releasing in Canada on Nov 23/10 so I assume it will release in the U.S.A. the same time.


Just log into videoeta.com for any movies/dvd's and dates


I just received it in the mail from Netflix. It's a new release for them.


The movie's currently playing on the Showtime network.
