Very disrespectful movie

I totally do not mind this movie except for one thing- Why in the story the young girl in the group was talking about have to have a mentally challenged child in it? Why do so many people make fun of mentally retarded people? Do they think it's funny?


The point of her story was that she felt bad about taking advantage of the boy being mentally challenged. It wasn't put in there to make fun of mentally challenged people at all.

"Ich bin ein nerd!"



The touching scene so noted involved inappropriate touching and it's a common problem for special need children. Talking about this may be difficult to the observers but for special needs parents the conversation is normal. Its wrong to make fun of others thereby discouraging them to talk. We let our special needs daughter attend public high school. She did very well especially with her integration with other people. She made friends fast and she was rarely placed in awkward situation. My child is extremely forgiving, which is probably why she is very well liked. Kids helped her do everything and she was never once laughed at but if she felt peer pressure she usually ignored it finding a way to overcome it. My point is that special needs kids are remarkably able to adapt. Give them patience and love!


"The touching scene so noted involved inappropriate touching and it's a common problem for special need children."

Actually, the story involved a mentally challenged young man exposing/touching himself, not anyone else.

As to the complaint about disrespect, Allegra wasn't mocking the young man in any way. She confessed to Corinne that she had used the situation to gain attention from her father. This is pivotal to the plot when we see later that Corinne has been using sensitive things Allegra shared with her as the basis for short stories submitted for publication--without asking to "borrow" these private pieces of Allegra's life.

Allegra exploited the young boy to meet her own needs. Corinne did much the same to Allegra.

In revealing her actions as a teen by way of a confession, Allegra shows that she knows what she did was wrong, so there is absolutely no disrespect being shown toward the young man whom she admitted to exploiting earlier.

In this regard, the movie is actually demonstrating great respect by acknowledging that Allegra's actions as a younger girl were terrible. Her father's statement that she had left out the most important part of the equation (namely, that this boy had no malice or sexual intent in his actions) further reinforces the idea that she had used another person and understood that doing so was a failure on her part.


The touching scene so noted involved inappropriate touching and it's a common problem for special need children. Talking about this may be difficult to the observers but for special needs parents the conversation is normal. Its wrong to make fun of others thereby discouraging them to talk. We let our special needs daughter attend public high school. She did very well especially with her integration with other people. She made friends fast and she was rarely placed in awkward situation. My child is extremely forgiving, which is probably why she is very well liked. Kids helped her do everything and she was never once laughed at but if she felt peer pressure she usually ignored it finding a way to overcome it. My point is that special needs kids are remarkably able to adapt. Give them patience and love!


You lost all cred when you called them "retarded."


You lost all cred when you called them "retarded."
