How old are they?

I'm a bit confused about how old 3 (or maybe just 2) of the characters are supposed to be, maybe it's because i knew their real ages before watching the film but in real life the characters who play Trey, Pruddie (sp?) and Allegra are all pretty much similar in ages but how old are they supposed to be in the film?

Sorry if a similar question was posted


I don't recall them ever mentioning their ages in the movie. All it mentions in the book is that Prudie is under 30 (the youngest member of the club, besides Allegra, of course).

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father; prepare to die!"


In the book Prudie is 28, allgegra is over 30, jocelyn 50, sylvia 50, bernadette 60, and Grigg is 40. not sure about in the film but i think these are the right ages for the book



You right about the actresses playing Prudie and Allegra are close in age. Exacly the same age, both born in 1983. They are supposed to be younger, or close to, 30 years old in the movie. The actor playing Grigg however was born 1975 so the age difference between him and the girls is significant. He even says in the movie that he thinks Allegra is too young for him, so his character must be older than 30 maybe even 35-40 years old in the movie.


i bet trey is in This movie 26


i mean trey is 22 on this film < he is born in 1984


You mean the actual actor, right?


Trey is a student though...


I got the impression from the movie (I haven't read the book, so I'm sure that things were changed in the movie) that Jocelyn was somewhere between 40-45, that Sylvia was about the same age, possibly a bit older, Bernadette was in her in her mid to late 50's or early 60's, Trey was about 18, Grigg was about 10-15 years younger than Jocelyn, Allegra was in her early 20's, and Prudie was in her mid to late 20's. The ages were probably changed to youthen up the story, or because they used actors who were good for each part, but didn't exactly fit the ages that they had in the book.

Character: Who you are when no one is watching.


i thought that they were, and i know im not correct, but the actors look:

jocelyn-38, 39
bernadette-late 50's

"Freedom goes hand in hand with mutual respect"- Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao


I think the age gap between Jocelyn and Grigg has to be a little more than that, it's mentioned several times.
