PKJ 1 review thread

Started off originally as some notes from the episodes, but episode 4 onward has a more extensive review. For that reason I will only post them as I finish them. Feel free to add any notes that you may have,if you have notes from later episodes or any notes at all please say what episode you are talking about.

Episode one
· Shows how Mo later dies
· Shows How Vonotek learns of the team
· Outlines the characteristics of each member and gives you an idea of how each is
· Introduces the story (of course) and gives a nice moral as well

Episode two
· If there was any doubt Jane was depressed or an Alcoholic by the end of the first episode, it is blatantly stated here
· The way the story unravels hints to how they will unravel in the future. Also turns something that could have been a corny joke and makes it interesting and thought provoking.
· The acting was better than the previous episode and the storyline was not as boring even though they didn’t succeed in making sure all the corniness was removed.

Episode three
· Old man was more evil than I remembered. I know he felt he had to do anything and everything he could, but that’s a bit drastic. Don’t know if a real person would go that far, but the message being sent is quite clear, or should be anyways.
· Third episode in a roll that Kristanna doesn’t look anything like eye-candy, rather amusing since it was a major complaint of people.
· Sci-fi really needed to work on be able to hear the people talking. I’ve seen nearly every episode three times while the show had it’s run and I can’t even count the times per episode I missed a bit of dialogue that later turned to be important. I had so many questions about this episode, seeing it once on my comp answered everything.
· This was a good episode, I really couldn’t sit all the way through it like I wanted, but still the suspense was great. In any scene leading up to something suspenseful, no matter where you paused it, the suspense remained intact.

Episode four
· Jane was one of the team members shot in the beginning of the episode.
· She is dating Brian
· Both times shown thus far is Wednesday 6:12 PM. It’s a week apart.
· Having seen the full season, I can see why McBride is such a stick in the mud.
· Ethan, the nuero, thought it was a government experiment. He was pretty close; not a big clue, but it is somewhat of a clue.
· I like how so far the way the episode is presented matches the powers of the nuero. The way they tried to make different parts like visions, and how some of the scenes with the nuero having the visions are somewhat chaotic in nature, you get an idea of what he is feeling.
· Kristanna does a great job portraying the shock of being hung up on and horror when she gets to the accident.
· Jane knows McBride so well; then again this was supposed to be like the 7th episode, so it makes sense. Having seen the whole season I wish they played this in the proper order.
· McBride acknowledges that she cares for what happens to the nuero.
· It seems like she feels she relates to him. This could have been an other clue as to what she is and as an indicator of a secondary reason she was so susceptible to Vonotek’s “well natured” plan to release the Nueros in the season finally.
· He isn’t manipulative; he just likes to be in control.
· Actually both Jane and Maureen make good points, but I have to give this to Jane, the nuero could have prevented the whole thing, not left the message from Jane and not get all those weapons. Then at worst he would have gotten chipped or he would have at best stayed under the radar.
· She really cares for the team members
· Using the fact he has a major crush on her was a stroke of genius. Though just like the rest of the season, seducing members of her team through suggestion really doesn’t show off how hard she is to resist. In a second season they should have worked on that.
· I must say, I do remember the shot of her walking away to last longer.
· Just because he was unable to stop other events doesn’t mean he is incapable of stopping this one. His paranoia leads to his death.
· She offered the perfect solution for him, it is his fault he did not except.
· The fact that she ends up where she is supposed to, could be considered his fault again, because he refused being chipped. If there was a chain of events leading to this, then obviously he was the one who was supposed to break it. Why be giving such a power if others benefit from it directly? The only reason Jane’s powers help others is because she is being used, he is not.
· It’s more likely that it is an error, but the fact that the end takes place on a Saturday could mean fate has changed a bit, Or it means he had the premonition the same day she was on her date, but that doesn’t make sense.
· He saw it exactly the way it happened he just interpreted it differently. After seeing the gun she was holding in the gym, if he were not so paranoid, he would have understood what really happens. Again he would not have died.
· This episode is so much more than just a story about fate. I never really liked this episode, but I see how good it was now.
· The picture in the end speaks more to the audience than to the team, I also find it sad that Loken looks more like BloodRayne even in a portrait of herself than she did in the actual movie.
· His death was not her fault it was his.
· I wonder if he saw Vonotek being successful and that’s what causes the carnage his pictures suggest?

three generations of symbiotes all in one


Having only watched 11 episodes of this show ill say that at first the kind of brown filter or whatever they are using to make the footage look old or whatever i really did not like that way of filming.. shows like NCIS is IMHO alot better filmed.. but despite this ive kept watching episods and the show is growing on me.. its a shame to find out that its been canseled..

but this just seem to be it when there is a good and likeable show it will get canseled before its time..

John Doe
The Others
The 4400
Dark Angel
Painkiller Jane

Wouldn't be surprised if they went and canseled Heroes since its another show i like..


personally I like that, makes it different from all the bright colors of most other shows.

4400 was cancelled? I thought everyone liked that show?

three generations of symbiotes all in one


Episode five
· First time we see Jane in this episode she is in the shower, time to hate on the episode I guess.
· Seeing her delivery of wise cracks, I’m still wondering what possessed Boll to change the character of BloodRayne, when he had the best actress for the Job.
· I like how this episode is recorded giving you a sense that there is something spiritual in nature watching from within the house, almost as if the house it self is alive.
· Kristanna Loken is great at showing expressions with just her face. I noticed it in the series finally and the first episode when I watched it again to do my review, and again here.
· Jane is a horrible liar when her emotions are involved; this was also evident in the series finally when Andre tried to get under her skin to get her to go out into the open.
· Andre yet again shows that he needs to be in control both in Jane’s apartment and the little bit of joy he took in making Riley go to the basement.
· This is the episode that made me love Riley, he is such a goof as has been shown in previous episodes and more so in the following episodes.
· Jane going to the house had more to do with her wanting to show she does what she wants then it did with her wanting to be a part of the team.
· The first real error: I know it was done for effect, but the picture of the woman shouldn’t have done that, his computer was on a different breaker.
· Connor is a real a55hole, I would have liked to see why in a following season if the show wasn’t cancelled.
· One other mistake: If she saw her mom in that one room twice, why would they make the room her room?
· In the end, she doesn’t admit a fear, she states a weakness in her character, she still cannot open up entirely, though she does seem to open somewhat to the person who is most like her and the most unlike her in Andre.
· This episode doesn’t come with the hundreds of realizations of the previous episode, but it is still my favorite. They played the horror aspect well.
· This was a well-written episode and shows how good the series could really be if people tried to be more open to it. It really was one of the few shows that really is for everyone, yet it still manages to teach you morals and even though nearly every episode is presented differently, you see the connections to every other episode.
· This shows only real weakness which will become evident when Maureen dies is that the episodes where played out of order, beyond that, this show hardly ever contradicts itself and probably wouldn’t in following seasons, unlike several other shows that do indeed contradict themselves as the series moves on.

Episode six
· Her introduction makes it seem that she’s been with them for longer than 5 weeks; this could be because obviously the episodes are out of order or because time progresses differently in the show.
· Just like most episodes in this show this one has a central theme and moral that it follows as it progresses.
· The close up of victim two’s face was corny, but nothing horrible at all.
· I could have sworn Connor’s reply was “at least you are thinking about me.” Sci-fi did a horrible job with the sound quality of this show, I know I said that before, but it really is true. Who is going to watch something that is rarely promoted on the channel and they do a horrible job of making the voices of the actors heard?
· She is wearing the TX jacket; I also have seen the actor playing the psychiatrist helping the nuero before.
· Why does Jane have a nightmare before seeing the nuero? Does she normally? Also, this could be an indication of her powers, if it is, it wouldn’t be the first time her powers aided her in someway with providing her information she wouldn’t get on her own. This happens in the episode where Maureen dies, where she burns herself, which gives her powers the kick start to start fighting the mind control, and in the episode with the nuero that goes back in time, she remembers her death.
· They close in on the other girl’s face, I wonder why? Maybe the nuero gave her the nightmare?
· Send seven? One guy killed her. She wants to play the role of 3 men? She is also more horrified then Jane is.
· She doesn’t play nice with others at all…well at least with psychos. That scene with the tall guy was very well done and very intense.
· He gave her some alcohol to drink? It was Brandy; she gulped the whole thing down in two gulps. There is no way she is an alcoholic! (Ok, kind of late for that joke since the haters, just like most waters of this show are long gone)
· She does have nightmares…oops I guess I forgot, lol. The girl never touched her, how does Jane get the nightmare? She did however repeat what the others did; I never noticed that.
· How did Vonotek get to Elise? The first case was 10 years ago, so they got to her around then.
· She’s great at lying when she isn’t emotionally attached.
· The finger thing was some great special effects.
· Jane says that they made her what she is, irony at it’s finest don’t you think?
· Ruben Hennesy has the same Markers as Jane.
· She dumped Brian, who later still is her boyfriend; safe to say this episode happens before episode 4.

Episode seven
· She had sex with her boyfriend Justin, this is definite proof she is eye candy only for this show.
· Poor Mo, wants to be all bad ass because her heart was broken.
· More irony, Jane wants to go after him because he is a nuero. Right or wrong, they are accustomed to it, which is way they do it without asking questions. Same thing happens with Jane and Mo switching roles like that. One has to be level headed while the other is not.
· In the last episode, they said the nuero was a telekinetic, not a telepath.
· I would have preferred it if instead of the camera affects they had the view the victim saw and the one that was there instead of them using affects to alternate between the two like they did at times.
· Never noticed that the first clip in the intro is her topless in this scene, lol! Then again, I started skipping the intro or ignoring it after a while anyway. It was short, and got repetitive after watching so many episodes. It’s cool for casual or new viewers, but it is rather annoying, especially since the second intro after the primary scene is also only two seconds long and the same thing over and over again for each episode.
· Flirting with her friends really doesn’t prove she is all that hard to resist.
· Where the shirt come from? Doc gave her his jacket. It also seems like the one that was supposedly torn up, unless she has spare clothes.
· I like how the scene with Connor going crazy is like the one with Jane in the first episode in the police station, but he is trying to kill his enemies of course.
· Now she has the jacket.
· Never mind, going back you notice two different things happened, Connor wasn’t with the team so after they separate the scenes are in their viewpoint and his. I can’t recall any show playing that much attention to such a minor detail like clothes.
· Great special effects on the hand wound.
· The ending works great because it’s open to speculation, but it leaves several unanswered questions, which never get the chance to be answered.

Episode eight
· Baumgartner used his real name, interesting.
· She has that big room all to her self? Never caught that before, but that should raise some, alarms.
· Our boy Baumgartner as Andre actually told her the truth, she really is a nuero. They could have pulled the “I always told you the truth” card in a second season or whenever else we would have seen him if the series continued. He lied to keep the story up, but when it came for facts about her he was truthful, of course the audience and Jane don’t learn this until much later. 10 episodes later if you want to keep count.
· He also only uses information provided in episode 1.
· Baumgartner uses his disguise of Mo to make Jane have doubts of Andre and the team. He also says that killing Riley doesn’t sound like her, all this plays out in the season/series finally.
· Danby, pulled that accent off nicely.
· Now, we get to see how much they really care for her, just like we see in the season finally, where any doubts she ever had about the team seem to go away at the end.
· As Jane when he kills the nurse, he says, “we are called nueros.” Near the end of the season he says that he was being naughty before, but has changed, this is beyond being naughty. I wonder if he really is a puppet or a willing participant.
· She also shows some good acting when she suddenly switches from emotions. Pretty cool for someone so many claim to be a bad actress.
· Jane just shot an innocent man, well I assume he is since this whole episode was a scam thought up by the head of Vonotek (audience don’t know that yet) and Baumgartner.
· Not into Todd Engles eh? lol! Future knowledge is great; you get to laugh at stuff that people won’t understand yet or can use it to complain about something you would have complained about anyways.
· I remember when this episode first came out, that was a decent amount of money for gas, probably even more so when it was filmed.
· I also wonder if Baumgartner ever injured his ankle at all, since he does heal as well.
· That’s true, Andre never calls Riley Jensen, hell I didn’t even know who Jensen was in this viewing because I’m so used to him just being Riley.
· I think she did and does have real doubts still about the team. I think she really doesn’t get close to the team as a whole, until they go to Europe.
· He did not get that right away, and yeah, I can think of worst ways as well.
· Speaking of Europe, they never would have gotten their driving, lol. This could be an oversight; I wish I had the season on DVD to see for myself.
· She says she is waiting for them to turn on her, which is also rather interesting. It also proves that I’m right about her trusting them completely. She also blatantly says it.
· This is an episode full of details and spoilers for the rest of the season, obviously most of it can’t be known at first viewing, but remembering, or at least trying to remember some of the things you’ve seen in the past helps you appreciate things in the future episodes and show their significance.

Episode nine
· If Connor was hard for anyone to read, we get a nice little recap of him and we see Jane’s true thoughts of him as well.
· I never noticed that she had already started being able to recall information after seeing it once, it’s a minor detail, but one that is significant later when it comes to explaining what her powers do and are.
· Again we are shown how much Andre cares for the team members.
· A prison with glass cells? It was never said how far into he future this show is, some indication would have been nice.
· They want to hide nueros, Vonotek wants to make everyone a nuero.
· Connor is a lot like Jane, and very different than her. There are times you get the feeling the writers were looking to hook them up and times where you know, to them it’s just a game of cat and mouse. They are alike, but very different, there differences is what keeps them a part, not their similarities.
· Riley shows he isn’t the cowardly lion all the time, started off kind of corny, but how else would an event like that play off, a timid person telling others off?
· We see what Jane and Andre are willing to do for a friend. She is easily persuaded to help a person she doesn’t trust completely, even though she considers him a friend.
· He was with them, so him having a cycle is irrelevant.
· Hey look, it’s our pal from Stargate!
· She seems angry at how quick they seem to jump on Connor; this could show how she feels about Connor or how she feels about the team.
· She chews them out, yet she seems to have doubts, but I think we know where that stems from.
· I wonder if Andre’s boss knows what happens at Nico. Seems either way he would go with it.
· What is up with all the “evil” nueros doing that with their eyes? Even Jane did it in the season finally. Is that supposed to show that Vonotek controls them?
· Lawyer boy seems conviently perfectly fine, no burn marks, and he was engulfed in flames.
· He avoids it and it comes to bite her in the ass later in the season, this eventually bites the whole team in the ass at the end until Andre risks himself to stop her and save everyone.
· Teaching people logic, is a hell of a lot harder than was shown here at times.
· One big happy family, talk about a theme that comes up over and over again on this show.

You've been intoxicated
The Ministry of DDBZJSPFUG
