A fun summer comedy

I actually found that I enjoyed this movie more than My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It was beautifully shot to showcase the marvelous scenery of Greece. The characters are stereotypical, but they have heart, and they are fun to watch. Nia writes an entertaining movie - maybe not Oscar-worthy, but certainly enjoyable.

Give it a chance!


I so agree ginah-2, well said!


Yes, I read the critics--and I went anyway. It was a lovely film, bathed in warmth, affection, and humor. In a world where violence and cynicism rule, I was transported to a gentle universe where life is good and love is just around the corner. Yes, I could see the gears in the script, but I didn't mind--I was hungry for the solace of the beautifully acted formula. It's wonderful to see magic in a film that doesn't involve Voldemort or Mordor.

And, if you do like Voldemort or Mordor with your humor and romance, check out "Where Angels Fear to Tread" by Yolanda Pascal. On Amazon.com
