MovieChat Forums > My Life in Ruins (2009) Discussion > For people who liked the movie: Georgia ...

For people who liked the movie: Georgia and Poupi (may contain spoilers)

What do you think was the big attraction between Georgia and Poupi? Did he become interested in her once he found out that she hadn't had sex in forever? Poupi said he had sisters so he would be a good listener. He gave her a few compliments (about her looks which bugged me) that would flatter her and left her flowers...but why would he care about someone who was so uptight? And what were Georgia's reasons???

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. H.L. Mencken


I don't think he was in it just for the sex, he saw something in her that she needed to release, which was her uptight approach to life. As for her, she probably decided to take a chance at love, (with Irv's help of course lol) because she was always caught up with her job as a tour guide and had no time to explore love

~ Dõmínìqüé Zàrîñha~


I guess he saw in her a unique perspective in viewing life.
Perhaps she has been to academic in approaching her tours, yet she genuinly loved Greece and he was attracted by that. He loved his - humble - job much the same way... Just a thought !

"It's over now, the music of the night!"


Who can explain attraction? Really? Sometimes people fall for someone completely different from them. There is that expression "opposites attract".

I think he liked Georgia because he sensed she was a good person who was confused and he helped her rediscover herself. She liked him once she saw he was a good person(besides lets face it the man was a hunk). I thought the chemistry was there and they actually made a very good couple.


OK, I just have to say this: whether one thinks the movie is "good" or not, some people (and most reviewers) are missing the point. The other characters in the movie don't change... Georgia does. In the beginning she sees everything in the simplest terms, in stereotypes. It's all about her and her misery and people are an irritant. As she loosens up, people become more interesting and attractive (except the pancake guy, who had the appearance of a person the uptight, unhappy Georgia was supposed to think was right for her) and the scenery became more beautiful. Sooo, Poupi's transformation isn't really his - it's Georgia seeing him in a different light.

As for what he sees in her, what's not to like? She's Greek, educated, attractive, intelligent. The Poupi character is obviously well grounded and secure in himself, so he wouldn't be intimidated by a powerful woman. He's also observant enough to understand that she is unhappy with herself and probably not so prickly naturally.

I liked it. My boyfriend liked it. His kids liked it. My mother liked it. My literary friends liked it. People I know who've been to Greece liked it. We'd all recommend it. It's just a fun movie.


I started this topic to get a discussion going about this movie. Thanks to all who have commented! I really enjoyed this movie - the scenery...the characters...all of it!

I agree with you schuyler harmon - Georgia changed therefore her outlook improved as a result. I liked your comment re: The Poupi character is obviously well grounded and secure in himself, so he wouldn't be intimidated by a powerful woman...I felt the same way as the story unfolded.

I also agree with the other posters' comments about Poupi - he is gorgeous!

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. H.L. Mencken
