Great Box office.

What upsets me is that it did so well that they'll make a sequel that will take away from the brilliance of this movie. Forget top 250, this is gonna be on AFI's greatest movies list in 10 years. Watch.


OK, $3 million and change may not sound like much of an opening weekend, but it's boffo compared to the returns on Connie and Carla. Welcome back to the A-list Nia!


Sorry but its still a flop


Yeah, I was being sarcastic. Oh well, at least Nia picked a prophetic title for this one.


Exactly! It might as well have been titled, "I Suck. Don't Watch This Flick".
Plus, most dillholes thought this movie is/was a sequel to My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Greek Wedding was a fluke for Nia, she should look into doing supporting roles instead of doing the lead !


finally some people with sense. i feel like the people who are posting positive reviews here must be working for the company that made the movie. i really enjoy movies and never really regret going to movies but i feel truly angry that i paid 8 bucks for this awful film. i feel like it is an insult (especially in this economy)to filmgoers that they would release this. nia goes on huffingtonpost and writes this ridiculous blog post essentially trying to get women to go to this under the women's liberation banner. how disingenuous. this tripe does not advance women in cinema at all but makes it harder for women to be taken seriously.


I'm an 18-year-old, straight, male, Greek guy, and I absolutely loved this film and I thought it had almost as much charm as MBFGW. My mom, who rarely enjoys films, LOVED this film as well.

People, IMHO, seem to think that this was supposed to be a follow-up to MBFGW, but it's not. It's a completely different story and everything. I also wasn't expecting to be as good as my favorite movie ever, MBFGW, so maybe that's why I enjoyed it more.

It's currently my #1 film of 2009.


See, i'm not too dissapointed, cos i'm on a cineworld unlimited subscription, which means i pay £13.50 for unlimited cinema tickets, i saw four films the day i saw this, i wish i'd skipped it, but it didn't cost me anything extra to see it. so meh.
