why the hate?

why do people hate this movie so much? i'm a pretty big Eason Eillis fan so i get that the movie doesn't exactly follow the book, but it wasn't a bad film. it had most of the apathetic feel that his books tend to have and the visuals were pretty good. i'm not saying it was a great film by any means, but it's not a bad one either.



I thought the book was also, just awful.

Bret Easton Ellis' apathy is only charming when it's obviously seeped in satire. Imagine all your favourite douche characters from literary and movie history. And now take away all their jokes. Kind of unbearable people now, aren't they?

You could replace all the dialogue (and action for that matter) in The Informers with the word "Meh." Like, we get it, you don't really care about anything. Neither does limestone, I suppose.


i just finished seeing it for the first time myself and it's not as bad as it's average rating (i.e. 5.1/10) suggests it is.

sure, it's not great by any means but overall i still liked it.

i give it a 6.5-7/10. i think it's average rating should be at least high 5's, if not low 6's, as usually anything in that low 5's on down is pretty much total crap and this ain't to that level if you ask me. but i can see why people might not like it though as it's got more of a grim outlook with the characters as most of them are messed up.

My Vote History ... http://imdb.to/rb1gYH
