
They've been filming this in my local area on and off for the last few months. They've basically renamed KINGS HILL in Kent to "Meadowlands" for the shooting.

Lots of film crew in the area and around the back of my house, on the golf course. Also at the local infants school.



my friend is the runner on the series :)



also saw them filming in "meadowlands", dressed locations look awful and hope to hell the actings good enough! they turned a private post office into police station, what police station has 3 dozen personal mail lockers in the window? Big budget nonsense, watch the "prisoner" at the same time and make comparisons. Or maybe hollyoaks, looks the same!


that'll be my location since I'm playing the town sheriff DS Wintersgill. It has a very specific storyline this show - it's set in a town where all the inhabitants are in protective custody, or on a witness protection programme. They're there 'voluntarily' to keep them safe - until they try and leave. There's a murder in episode 2 which frames all 8 episodes. It'll be screening in the USA as "Meadowlands" in June on Showtime, then launching C4's autumn schedule in September. We are awaiting news of a second series, so those of you who live in Kent may have to get used to us hanging round ASDA.
[[Ralph Brown]]



Yes, I noticed the film crews were back again recently.

Are you saying there's a Sheriff? In an English village?


Are you really Ralph Brown??
If so, I admire you as an actor - you've done some brilliant work.


Sorry Pazio, I've done nothing more than drive past and noticed the crews, or viewed at the golf course behind the house. I've not been close enough to get pics.

I imagine I wouldn't get access, although I'd certainly be interested to get on the set once and see how it's done :)


Also filmed in my area, Leybourne Lakes in Larkfield, Kent. I've had film crews and huge lighting rigs outside my property. One night there was a large 'party' scene with a bonfire and loud music; unless it was the crew celebrating an end of scene shoot!


I work at one of the locations that have been used for the filming of Cape Wrath. Can say I'm expecting anything amazing from what I have seen so far, however i maybe proven wrong. I have been told it will go to air in the UK during March 2007


Well I went to my local gym last night in Faversham and there they were - filming said murder scene by the looks of things


Paul, I was present for that scene. I have to say that I think it's going to be brilliant.

