
This is one of those stereotype amazing shows thats gonna get cancelled early on before its fanbase even gets a chance to grow.

Love the show by the way cant wait to watch more =D


I hope you're wrong on that, I watched the first episode last night, and it was very interesting...too bad you probably right :(

"*cover her face, mine eyes dazzle, she died young*"


i hope it's not cancelled. the pilot was the best i've seen in a long time. showtime is usually pretty good about giving their shows a chance, so i'm sure it'll run at least a season.


I don't know how they do things in the UK, but over here the show would be a goner.. Directing is very poor, acting is across the board (which is worst than an entire bad cast), and lastly, its always a good idea to capture an audience's interest before stringing them along on some far fetched mystery.. Granted the plot doesn't seem anything like "Invasion", but if they don't throw something in that isn't retardedly absurd soon, they'll follow in its footsteps..
I figure I'll watch the 6th episode next if it makes it that far.. If that interests me, then I'll back track.. But as it stands, I wish downloaded episodes of this show included commercials for some entertainment..


It was a co-commission between Uk's channel 4 and Showtime in the US and It hasn't actually aired in the UK and doesn't until next week, so making it this far in the US has nothing to do with us, since no one here has even seen it yet.

"Can you imagine if baby Jesus killed mom and dad?"


This is from a citizen of the country that gave us 'Charles in Charge', 'My Two Dads' and who could forget the high quality sitcom 'Family Ties'. :)


Only eight episodes were commissioned so it will be over at the beginning of August anyway.

"Can you imagine if baby Jesus killed mom and dad?"


In the worse case, I'm sure it will stay on a little longer in the UK. Can always get the DVD sets later. It's an offbeat show, and on top of that it's british not exactly a winning combination in terms of generating a large american audience.


I hope there is a second series if only in the UK, I can always get the region 2 dvd. I don't think Americans "get" black comedies which this show is at certain times. Interest is only generated because it is something new, but interest is not sustained.

I just got the first two episodes today and I like it a lot. Hope Showtime broadcasts all 8 episodes.


America has quite a few popular black comedies, so something must be clicking in American's minds, seeing as how they get those shows.


I was surprised when I read these comments. It starts here on Tuesday. I thought it would be brilliant. I was there for some of the filming, and everything I saw looked top class. I hope it's good, like I'm imagining it to be. I wonder whether a UK audience would accept an off-beat programme more readily than a USA one?


As an American I have to agree that a lot of Americans do not get "UK Humor/ Off Beat Themes," however I must say a lot of my favorite movies are movies from the UK. I happen to REALLY like Meadowlands, this is right up my alley. I hope it sticks around, unfortunately you may be right, American audiences may just cut it adrift like so many other good shows.


Yeah, I know it's not all Americans. I've written an offbeat comedy that I'd love to get made in America one day. Maybe it'll happen. We'll see!


Well I believe there is a audience for off beat. Six Feet Under did very well here. But it has to be a comedy for it to surivve US audiences on network tv. Yes there will always be a niche crowd that enjoys offbeat no matter if it is funny or not, But here lies the problem. Network TV and The demographics. There have been very popular shows on TV that have been cancelled even if they are in the top 20 as far as ratings are concerned. Murder She Wrote for example was cancelled even though the ratings were very good because the advertisers did not feel the audience that watched the show was the core audience that they advertised to. So it was cancelled.
I believe even with a show like this the core demogrsaaphics would not be attractive to the advertisers so even if the ratings were good the show would never be on tv long enough So it is a a catch 22 here. Even if the show got good ratings it probably would not be renewed because IMO the people who will watch this show is the the not who the advertisers are there for. There are new shows here in the states that are failures in the ratings but because the core audience is what the advertisers desire a dog show will be given a extra season or two for it to catch on.


That's really interesting to read. Thank you for your thoughts on it all.


This show is on Showtime; a pay tv cable channel, here in the US.
Consequently, advertisers are not an issue with this show;
as its a co-production between showtime and channel 4, what will ultimately save this show will be international sales...
it is pretty good tho...


I read the other day that it's superb, the best drama of the year so far. I wait in anticipation...


i just watched the first 2 episodes and in no way do i think this is a black comedy, i think its a very offbeat programme that keeps the suspense running throughout it, i can see this becoming very popular in the UK because we tend to like british made drama!


I thought this was a mini series anyway? So it would probably finish before it was cancelled!


According to an interview with David Morrissey in a tv mag the show has been commissioned for another season.


In the UK 8 episodes per season is pretty much the norm. Rarley do shows get many more episodes.


A TV series in the UK is treated entirely differently from the US. We don't have a pilot season and producers tend to stick with shows, even if ratings are less than expected or hoped for. The British system with new series is more 'innocent until proven guilty' than the ruthless approach in the US. Both systems make perfect sense, as the US produces much more drama than the UK at higher risk; and eventually, when the men are separated from the boys, both countries end up with the same quality of TV drama, whether it's a 6 part UK series or 23 part US one. I wish the best of luck on both sides of the Atlantic for this excellent show, though I fear its life in here in Britain may be the only one it has soon.


I didn't like Cape Wrath as much as I thought I would. Interestingly, considering my previous comments, I found it a little too weird at times. I will stick with it though. I like how original it is, and I can't fault the acting at all.


Just watched the firt two episodes and after 20 minutes was ready to switch off but a nagging voice in my head said the advert made it look good so give it until the end of episode one at least. Im glad I did, while its no Lost or Heroes there is something sinister going on and I want to know what! If it is commisioned for only 8 episodes at least us Brits know to keep it at eight, none of this crappy cliffhanger rubbish just hoping one day someone will finance more. Eight episodes would do just fine because as most people out there will know from experience, Lost is still good but I wish the would have called it a day at season three and told me exactly what is going on with that fooked up island :D

And thats what really grinds my gears, Diane, its over to you!


They commissioned eight initially, but with a view to making more if it's successful. I think I read yesterday that series two has now been commissioned.


I wish this show would have a second season. My friends and I have watched all the eight episodes and really like it. Where did you here about series two being commissioned?


My wife and I have watched the first four episodes of Meadowlands and we like it. We live in the USA. It's very quirky, that is part of the appeal for us.

I doubt if this would survive on USA Network TV. A lot of good shows have not survived here and many bad shows have lasted forever.






And the conversation goes nasty.... tut tut.

I thought the acting was good, but I'm not going to comment on other aspects until I've seen more. The second episode has been recorded for me and I'm waiting for a chance to catch up.



Yup, best to ignore it. I wouldn't engage in conversation with these people.



I hope I like the second episode. I found the first slightly tedious at times, though intriguing at the same time.



Heehee! Will do. I'll report back once I've watched ep 2 :)



I liked it! I thought it was a real improvement on episode one. I'm looking forward to episode three now.

I find some aspects a little confusing. I would have thought it was obvious that the doctor was being exploitative, yet the mum just went along with the check-up, and it looks like even once she realised things weren't right, in episode three she's on friendly terms with him. Peculiar. I was also a little confused over the relationship between the father and son. I thought the son would regress horribly after being almost raped and killed, and then witnessing his dad murder someone, but he seems to be doing better if anything.

I don't mind these inconsistencies though. I assume they're deliberate, and I like the surrealism.


It's getting better! I liked the third episode a lot, although I cringed a little at the sex scene.

The daughter swears too much. That's just me being old fashioned.


Saw the next episode last night. Loved it!


Not so keen on the next one. A bit dull and boring. I think there are two to go now. I hope they're more exciting.


Next one good.

(I am aware that I'm talking to myself, but someone else might return to this thread at some point.)


=) Happy Bunny LOL. Wait till the finale, you'll be blown away =3


Slightly frustrated. I went and missed it! I hope it gets repeated. It's not on the "Catch Up TV" option on my parents' Virgin box. Grrr!

(Glad I made you laugh, by the way.)


Try 4oD Happybunny. I'd download the web version cos if it ain't free anymore you can pay 99p two "rent" it for a while!

Hope that helps!

Sorry for the Spelling Mistakes


4oD? Is that computer language? I'll Google that. Thank you very much, and don't worry about the spelling! Sweet of you to reply.


It's the Channel 4 online tv player. Just go to their website and it should tell you everything you need to know!!!

Sorry for the Spelling Mistakes


And so by now it's been canceled, right?


Yes sadly...unless something like DVD sales can bring it back!!!

Sorry for the Spelling Mistakes



Is it only canceled America ?? Will it go on in England??? I had an inkling it was gone because there were no ads on Showtime. I love Dexter but I need more dark drama, this is soo sad. I think American viewers could not deal with the accents! I am an American but I was born working class British, damn, damn, damn!!!


Channel 4 (the British co-producers) have officially confirmed that there won't be a second series.


Even if it is over it was a great 8 episodes. Actually what else could they do... The Dad knows everything and he is a murderer, he has no choice but to go back to Meadowlands, I am just sorry I won't get to know more about the other characters.



Yep. I wish knew. My guess was the Falkland Islands because in episode where Samantha visits her dad, she says "I have come a long way." The Falklands are basically uninhabited rocks that no one would go to.
I guess we will never know, just like we don't know what happens at the end of Twin Peaks and The Prisoner. Oh well.....
