This looks pretty funny

I just finished watching the trailer, if you can call it that. Parodies of 70s TV like HR Puffinstuff are always classic. It should mix well with "Tim and Eric's Awesome Show, Great Job!"



It's hard to judge which show will be better without a single episode aired yet. If you already believe that Tim and Eric's show will be better then for you it will be. I wouldn't say that no one in the world are more creative than them. A lot of stuff they do is pretty hit or miss but always unusual. I like their different style but a lot of people don't.


Wacky homage to Sid and those classic live-action shows by Hanna Barbera and Marty Krofft.


A friend of mine is interning for Saul. He really vouches for the show, but says the pilot could be better. So I guess be patient? I really want it to do well just because I don't want my friend to be out of a "job".


Actually he just told me that they're not showing the crappy pilot, so good news, the first ep they show might actually be good


Will it still have that awesome song from the original "trailer". That song cracks me up every time.


Saw the online episode, its so wierd. Nothing like how I thought it would be.

Pilots are usually pretty bad so I hope this gets better... I liked the ending song way more than the Strata intro.



Yeah it is him, it says so in the credits.
