Brilliant, brilliant Crap

I'm very sorry to see no sign of a continuation of this brilliant series.

Was it deep and meaningful? NO. Were the special effects done with any sort of technical competence? Not really. Was the acting more than one-dimensional and campy? Can't really say that it was.

But it was exactly what it was, and it made the most of it. The plot lacked depth, but was intricate and had an internal logic all its own. The special effects reveled in their cheesiness, and therefore opened up an amazingly inventive world not seen since the Krofft Brothers dropped acid.

There is nothing like this series, anywhere. The closest you can come is, naturally, the Krofft franchise circa 1970-1980, but Saul has the extra appeal of self-aware irony. In a world where the latest CSI procedural can still draw high ratings, Saul of the Mole Men is a shining beacon of brilliantly creative nonsense. And I wouldn't love it any other way.


did it really lack depth? the only episode i can remember was where they made fun of hypocritical d-bags at burning man. where else on TV can you see that?


You're thinking of Xavier: Renegade Angel, fliphop.
