MovieChat Forums > Frisky Dingo (2006) Discussion > Am I delusional for hoping Archer's succ...

Am I delusional for hoping Archer's success leads to a revival?

...I think so.


No, you aren't crazy, but it's a bit of a long shot. The creators had a falling out with Adult Swim execs from what I've heard. And I assume they hold some rights to the series and wont want to let it go.



Sadly, Adult Swim didn't even promote the airing of an all-Xtacles episode and most missed it (including me). I was late in succumbing to Archer's charms because of still being butt-hurt, but I gave in and love Archer.


Unfortunately, I think so lol.

Recently I rewatched both seasons of Frisky Dingo. I am a HUGE fan of the show and it's honestly what led me to Archer in the first place all those years ago. I recently rewatched Archer as well so it was still super fresh in my mind while watching FD again. I do not think FD will be revived because Archer has already incorporated a lot of things from FD into it (comedy/storytelling style-- I think "phrasing?!" is in there too even lol, literal voice actors, etc).

I would love, love, love some kind of crossover-- even if it's just a one shot, but yeah. I don't think we will be seeing any new FD. I wish we were though, I'd like to know what happened after Killface's mother and co. arrived! I think the Xtacles mentions something about Xander being abducted, but that's all :(, sigh!

Wonderful show. I would love if they'd bring it back, but after rewatching it, I can say Archer has been an amazing successor.
