Does it get better?

I'm seriously late to the game here. I vaguely remember watching Frisky Dingo when it first came on, but didn't keep up with it. My husband and I just finished binge-watching Archer (the first 5 season on Netflix, anyway), and I cannot wait for Season 6! I loved it.

Anyway, it was on to the next show, and I thought we could give this a shot, and I'm just not in to it. We're about four episodes in, and I'm ready to abandon it already. Should we tough it out? Does it get as tear-inducingly funny as Archer?


I think Frisky Dingo picks up steam as it goes on and doesn't really catch fire until at least the third episode. 1 and 2 kind of set the characters, and then you just watch it get zanier and zanier. It's definitely not for everyone.

The perk is that they're 15 minute episodes. Give it another 30 minutes before you bail. It's REALLY out there for humor, but there's a lot to love.


Binge watch it. once you know all the in jokes you should like it. I thought the first season of archer was rough to get through but once season 2 started I was hooked...

What a crazy nation of socialist republics that are together in a federation, of craziness



The two seasons of Frisky kinda run like a movie and its sequal.

Abondoning it after 4 episodes is like walking out of a movie after 40 minutes. Some of the best characters haven't even been introduced yet!

It definitely starts slow. Give it time, and even a few rewatches. The running gags and segues and background jokes are CRAZY near the end.

when u think of garbage, think of akeem
