Chronological order?

I was thinking about watching this series.. but as i previewed it a little I found out that they where not aired/numbered in chronological order.
Does anyone know in what order I have to watch the episodes to follow the correct timeline?.


The correct chronological order is as follows:

1. Revolution (133BC - Tiberius Gracchus)
2. Caesar (49-44BC - Julius Caesar)
3. Nero (54-68AD)
4. Rebellion (66-70AD - Vespasian/Titus/Josephus)
5. Constantine (312 -327AD)
6. The Fall of Rome (410AD - Honorius/Alaric)

Call me Ishmael...


Ah I have been wanitng to learn more aout Graacchus. I've been wonding if he wa sone of the People refered ot in the Moeny Master' Documentery when it talked aout Rome, sinc ethey fialed to mention any Names besides Caesar.
Our only Hope for a Decent President.


Well, the Gracchus episode was pretty good, I thought, and certainly struck me as better than the Caesar and Nero episodes - though that may simply be because I knew very little about the Gracchi and so was unable to even recognize any liberties the scriptwriters might have been taking with the facts. But the virtue of this episode was that it was very clearly about Roman politics and not just a famous personality - a rarity these days.

Of course that's precisely the reason they didn't show them in chronological order: as a series opener the Gracchus episode would probably have been a serious turn-off to many viewers. And so the UK series opened, inevitably, with the famously naughty Nero. This episode included a scene of the eponymous villain kicking his wife to death in public, a piece of dramatic licence I found entirely unacceptable in a programme that purported to be a drama-documentary.

Call me Ishmael...


How was Poppea's character portrayed? I dout they'd ackowledge what Josephus had to say about her which I find quite facinateing.
Our only Hope for a Decent President.


I can't really remember how she was portrayed... fairly neutrally, I think.

Call me Ishmael...


Josephus wrote all kinds of absurd slanders. half his works are polemics and are not credible when it comes to individuals


Did you pay attention? Josephus is the one who does NOT slander Poppea, and since only he to write about her Knew her Personally, I trust him.


Thanx! that was the info I needed
