This coming to DVD?

Scary stuff mentioned in this video, and god help all humans if even half of this its true.

Is this coming to DVD anytime soon?


Yes. It's already out on dvd you can get it by going to


Don't just wonder if "even half of this is true." Set some time aside, don't watch your usual retarded TV shows (j/k, kinda), quit being lazy, and do your duty as an American citizen and actually research this stuff!

I encourage you to NOT just believe what Alex Jones says. Research it yourself, diligently. Come to your own conclusions. Don't be led astray by those who live in conditioned, ignorant bliss. Wake up!


...and you'll find that all of it is MUCH more.
I was for Bush and for the war before I got hip to Alex Jones and friends.
I denied it at first and tried to prove it wrong.
4 years later I'm dedicated to the truth.


Yea, It's all true, Just ignore The Funny TerrorStorm Facts! posted below.

Alex Jones, 100% reliable birth control by keeping believers date free since 1996


It seems amazing to me that MasterShakeShun sees a problem with Jones selling water filters on his webiste, yet he doesn't see a problem with the money that has been generated by the progressive "war on terror" since the 911 attacks.

I didn't know who Alex Jones was until a few minutes ago when I watched this video. So my opinion isn't bias when say that anyone reading this, anyone who is interested in the subject matter of this video would be better off doing his/her own researh rather than reading ad hoc "facts" posted by this jackass.


Facts is facts, if you can not change them, Ignore them.

Alex Jones, 100% reliable birth control by keeping believers date free since 1996


Boy am I grateful I am not a US citizen and these idiotic duties don't apply to me.



And here I thought all americans were idiots. Alex Jones is a genius.

Standards must be different where you come from.

Using Alex Jones and Prison Planet for a serious debate about 9-11 is like using Gieco commercials to study the habits of Gecko’s.

Alex Jones and his website Prison Plant.

From 30 minutes on Prison Planet

NEW! American Gulag: Concentration Camps in America

Pentagon hacker says charges have been manufactured McKinnon admits accessing the secret computers in 2001 and 2002, saying that he was looking for – and found – evidence of alien life and reverse-engineered alien technology.

To celebrate the five year anniversary of his historic infiltration of the Bohemian Grove, the occult playground of the global elite, Alex Jones presents his newest film, The Order of Death, an amazing and horrifying look into the rites and rituals of the modern day descendents of Babylonian mystery cults.

The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK

Kenyan Nobel peace laureate claims AIDS virus deliberately created

Since 1873, the Global Elite Has Held Secret Meetings in the Ancient Redwood Forest of Northern California.

Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include Former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan.

The Tsunami: More Than a Natural Disaster? Was the high death toll a result of incompetence, greed, deliberate weather warfare, a combination of all three or none?

Listed below is the evidence. We leave the reader to make their own mind up. Tsunami Bomb Developed As Far Back As 1944

Vaccines: The Deadly Cure"The only safe vaccine is one that is never used."

Alex Jones interviews Tom Flocco on his latest story, Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide, and is also joined by former Senator John DeCamp to discuss the evidence of high level government pedophile rings and how they tie into the Jeff Gannon and Hunter S. Thompson stories.

Hunter Thompson was working on WTC collapse story before mysterious sudden death, warned he'd be 'suicided'

Were 'Pod Missiles' Used in the World Trade Center Attack?

THE GOVERNMENT IS LYING ABOUT THE FULL EXTENT AND SOURCE OF ANTHRAX ATTACKS: They Had Prior Knowledge of Imminent Anthrax Outbreak Way Back on September 11th.

The Lone Gunmen: Pilot episode of X-Files spin off an insider 911 warning or sick conditioning?

Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed

Olympic Symbols Have Sinister Origins

The powerful Central government is gearing up for total takeover.

Alex Jones exposes the growing relationship between the military and police.
Witness US marines training with foreign troops and learning how to control and contain civilian populations as practiced during Operation: Urban Warrior. You will see special forces helicopter attacks on south Texas towns, concentration camps, broad Unconstitutional police actions, search and seizure and more...

Occult Symbolism: As American as Baseball

"Smart Dust" May Soon Be Watching You

You can't turn on your television or visit any world capitol without being confronted by the occult symbolism of the global elite. Here is Time Warner's logo -- the all-seeing eye The all-seeing eye is the elite's favorite symbol. It represents the eye of Lucifer seeing all and is usually atop a pyramid, the symbol for a top-down command and control system of compartmentalization.

Signaling out to their Illuminati overlords -- both Clinton and Bush have been photographed making "the sign of the devil" at public events.

From the pyramid at the Louvre, commissioned by Francois "the Sphinx" Mitterand to be made out of 666 panes of glass to the layout of the mall at Washington, DC, the Illuminati have made their presence clear through the occult symbolism of their architecture.

In a similar vain to the episode of the Lone Gunmen aired on Fox in March 2001, the action film The Long Kiss Goodnight, provides yet more revelations of the method of government complicity in attacks on the World Trade Center.

The New York lottery drew 9,1,1 as the winning pick-3 combination in their digit lottery on Sept. 11, 2002

On the one-year anniversary of the September 11tjh attacks, the same day that the New York Lottery drew 911 as the winning pick-3 combination, the September Standard &

Poor's 500 futures contract closed at 911.00.

The horrible Madrid train bomb that killed 190 passengers and created the push for more Draconian laws and surveillance internationally happened 911 days after 9/11.

Freemasonic 'Speculative Society' Linked to Dunblane Massacre

Airline Insanity Merely A Beta Test For Police State Caste System
Draconian surveillance, identification, behavior modification measures being implemented right outside your door

MySpace Is The Trojan Horse Of Internet Censorship
Media elite's last gasp effort to save crumbling empireMySpace isn't cool, it isn't hip and it isn't trendy. It represents a cyber trojan horse and the media elite's last gasp effort to reclaim control of the Internet and sink it with a stranglehold of regulation, control and censorship.

Are Enron Bankers/Witnesses Being Murdered?

Still Ridiculing People Who Talk About Forced Microchip Implants?
For over a decade now Alex Jones and others have been warning that the event of enforced microchipping of humans for tracking and security purposes is upon us.

Biometrics, ID cards, tagging, DNA kits being pushed on kids

And his merchandise.


What Alex Jones believes...believe it or not!

The following list is of beliefs which Alex Jones has explicitly or implicitly stated on his cable access show--sometimes many times.

They put mercury in your vaccines to brain-damage your children.

The Aztecs would take hallucinogenic enemas and cut their penises off. (Ah, the Sixties!)

Alex Jones has correctly predicted everything that has happened in the last 10 years. (Can you spell M-E-G-A-L-O-M-A-N-I-A? I thought you could...)

FEMA has a giant private army.

Everyone is talking about world government. (No they're not. As used by normal people, the phrase "new world order" simply means a change in the world order. It has no implication of world government. Conspiracy nuts are stupid--what can I say?)

Vaccines have brain-damaged millions of babies. (Based on a misreading of CDC documents. Alex Jones misreads everything.)

You can't succeed in academe unless you agree that 80% of the population has to be killed off. (That's all those stuck-up academics talks about.)

Black helicopters are real. (You create your own reality, dig.)

Illegal immigrants get free tuition and discounts on their Twinkies. They always go to the front of the line in emergency rooms. (It's part of the takeover.)

There's a worldwide takeover going on, perceptible only to dumb white guys...
...but everyone is waking up. (Conspiracy nuts always say "everyone is waking up." It's part of their delusional system--like their imagined ability to predict the future.)

The ruling elite of the world worship Moloch. (The evidence for this is a blurry video of the show at Bohemian Grove. Alex thinks the Bohemian Grove show is real.)

The secret rulers of the world can live forever. (No one knows where this comes from or why Alex believes it. I think it came from a dream Alex had. As far as I know, the rulers of the world continue to die normally.)

The elite have openly announced that they want to kill 80% of us. (But, oddly, in all the world only Alex Jones noticed these startling admissions!)

Dick Cheney writes papers saying terrorism isn't real. (Alex wouldn't say what papers. Though he talks incessantly about documentation, Alex Jones almost never says where he gets his information, much less why it's dependable.)

The U.S. Government went around Italy blowing up school busses full of children...& admitted it.[/ed] (Twirling their moustaches & going "Nya-ha-ha-ha!" Alex hears a lot of admissions no one else can hear.)

The left-right political spectrum is bogus (This is the dominant paradigm of stupid people today! They never offer a shred of proof. It's just too self-evident to prove, when you're as smart as these guys.)

[red]There are little wires in dollar bills that keep track of what you buy. (Somehow.)

Vicente Fox can morph into a green devil. (Alex says he saw him do it. Honest. This vision occurred when Fox visited Texas, c. 2003-4, & Alex bullhorned him.)

The Communist Chinese Army has taken over the Massachusetts Port Authority. (Maybe it's some kind of brain seizure with Alex.)

Noam Chomsky is a mongoloid idiot. Also an agent.

There are Illuminati symbols on Starbucks coffee cups. (The Illuminati leave clues visible only to angry white guys with IQ's in the mid-80's.)
Exits on tollroads are 50 miles apart. (It's a takeover only Alex Jones could see! Who woulda thought?)

Jacques Cousteau wanted to kill 80% of us. (Jacques, too? I wonder why he didn't live forever?)

Margaret Sanger gave & received awards from Hitler. (When the Nazis weren't burning her books.)

There are live AIDS viruses in the corn. (This means no sex with the corn.)
91% of Americans are Nazis. (Alex says anyone who favors gun control is a Nazi; 91% of Americans favor mandatory handgun registration; that's a lotta Nazis, Alex.)

The United Nations goes around Africa, sterilizing women at random (twirling their moustaches & going "Nya-ha-ha-haa!")

The Founding Fathers were basically stupid (they were Masons––but they didn't know about the secret conspiracy so obvious to Alex & his friends)

Masons can commit murder. They make a secret sign to the judges and are immediately set free. This has been solidly confirmed.

All throughout history, governments have always been Evil. (Bet you didn't know that. Like most of the Patriots, Alex is an anti-government bigot. He frequently poses as a historian, but no real historian subscribes to Alex Jones's bad comic book.)

Power outages are government plots.

Illegal immigration is a government plot.

The counterculture is a government plot.

Vaccines are a you-know-what.

Thumbscanning is a government plot.

Environmentalism is a government plot.

The National Seatbelt Initiative is a bloody government plot.

Feminism is a government plot.

Tollroads are a gummint plot.

This web page is a government plot.

Your mother is a government plot.

The goddam drug culture is a government plot. (Alex Buzzkill Jones.)

Cell phones are a government plot.

Wal Mart is a government plot. (A Defense Department front. It's all out there in the open...but only Alex Jones can see it. Far out.)

Sports are a government plot...somehow.

Antidepressants are a government plot. (Better you should say "What's NOT a government plot?")

All domestic terror attacks are government plots. (Pulled off by the most incompetent administration in history, fooling everyone in the world except angry white guys with IQ's in the mid-80's.)

The bad guys plant clues in TV shows and tell you what they're going to do on TV. (Though only one man in the world can perceive these clues. Think of the burden this puts on Alex.)

The government brings in all the drugs. (All of them! Only Alex Jones knows this. No documentation. No nothing. Just another bad dream Alex mistook for news.)

Arnold Schwartzeneggar is a known Nazi. (Only Alex knows this. Someone alert the Kennedys.)

Arnold Schwartzeneggar is part of an Austrian plot to take over America. (Alex really has it in for Arnie. He has a web page devoted entirely to ad hominem attacks against the ex-terminator.)

Skull & Bones is part of an English plot to take over America.
The United Nations is part of a (very slow) plot to take over America.

Children's cartoons are part of a government plot to brainwash us. (Alex Jones is immune. Conspiracy guys are always immune to the brainwashing they see everywhere. White-Guy egotism.)

Organized religion is brainwashing us. (Doesn't Alex realize brainless people cannot brainwash?)

The secret ruling elite of the world are putting up buildings that look like owls. (Only conspiracy people can see these owls, in case you were wondering. I wonder why they don't build pyramids with eyes on top of them.)

Most major police chiefs are CIA operatives.

Gloria Steinham is a CIA operative.

The voting-machine companies are openly run by the CIA. ("Openly run by the CIA" sounds like an oxymoron to me.)

The Quakers are communists. (Er...I thought communists were atheists. Of course, right-wing loonies have no concept of what communism is.)

All of Clinton's cabinet were Jewish. (Alex is not anti-Semitic. I don't know why he said this. Another dream, I guess.)

People in Holland have tattoos saying "Don't Kill Me." (Evidently a tougher country than we thought.)

Lyndon Johnson had John Kennedy killed. (I guess JFK was stupid, choosing LBJ as his running mate like that. Conspiracy guys are stupid, so they think everybody is stupid.)

The UN has sold thousands of children into slavery & for snuff films.

Gays are actively recruiting in our schools. (Why do right-wing loonies always believe this?)

The government keeps "giant, honeycombed hives full of toddlers drugged on lithium" (twirling their moustaches & going "NYA-HAHAHAHA!" The government...not the toddlers.)

The Rothschilds funded Hitler. (Some of the Rothschilds were arrested by Hitler and ransomed back to their family; others escaped Nazi Germany with only their lives.)
People in Africa tear off their arms after receiving vaccinations. (But then, we've all done that.)

The government is spraying us with EVIL CHEMICALS contained in the contrails of planes (also poisoning themselves, I guess. Shows you how ruthless the elite are.)

The United Nations goes around Africa, sterilizing women at random (twirling their moustaches & saying "Nya-ha-ha-haa!")

Every soldier who died in any war since the Civil War was a chump (you thought they were heroes; turns out they were nothing but fools; how's THAT for patriotism?)

Antidepressants are a government plot to bum us out.

The United Nations is part of a (very slow) plot to take over America.

Mercury travels from Africa to Austin on the Jet Stream. That's why Austinites have so many allergies.

IQ's are going down. (IQ's are going up.)

The cancer rate is up. (Most cancer rates are down.)

During his inauguration, President Clinton openly gave the sign of Satan for all the world to see. (They all worship Moloch, don't forget. I don't know how we get to Satan from there...but Alex says so.)

Alex Jones is saving humankind with his cable TV show, radio shows, & tapes (available for purchase, by the way).

Bad people are deliberately putting cancer viruses, AIDS viruses, & mercury in our vaccines (twirling their moustaches & going "Nya-hahaha!").

9-11 was only the beginning; there are going to be lots of even bigger domestic attacks (5 years & waiting on this prediction, Alex).

Most Americans believe the government was behind 9-11 (this is based on Alex's misreading of a Zogby poll; Alex misreads EVERYTHING)

They sacrifice babies at Bohemian Grove. (Try to imagine Richard Nixon sacrificing a baby. Or GWB. I guess Cheney would do it, perhaps inadvertently.)

They only hire people with IQ's below 100 to become police officers. (Like most "Patriots," Alex Jones is essentially a cop-hater. He will say anything bad about the police.)

Alex Jones has flawlessly predicted the future many times. (This is a delusion common to conspiracy guys. Here are some of Alex's bogus predictions.)

& personal favorite:

Alex Jones can predict the future, because he goes to the SECRET WEBSITES where the New World Order tells you EVERYTHING IT'S GOING TO DO!

whitepowerdog-It gets important to NOTE they are jewish, when detecting/researching a conspiracy.



Whoever wants to bite.

whitepowerdog-It gets important to NOTE they are jewish, when detecting a conspiracy.


*Sniff sniff*

I smell a disinfo agent. I looked at your comment history, and I'm impressed! You must be working overtime!


I smell a disinfo agent. I looked at your comment history, and I'm impressed! You must be working overtime!

Heard it all before, The old myopic thought that if someone holds a different opinion they are a disingenuous government stoolie, get the updated CT’er playbook.

whitepowerdog-It gets important to NOTE they are jewish, when detecting a conspiracy.

Hey, But have a good Christmas!


I just saw it listed as available on DVD at Netflix.

"Say thank you, Gilbert. Say thank you."


No, it's not the fact that you have a different opinion. It's the fact that it appears you spend every waking moment on this board trolling the boards of movies regarding 9/11. It's the fact that appears you created an IMDB account for the sole purpose of trolling the boards.

And then, as if that wasn't enough, it is the fact that the posts you include are bursting at the seams with lies and half-truths. You mention the "pod missile" subsection found on By doing this you try to make it seem as if this is what Alex believes. Hardly the case. He has said on air that it is ridiculous and has no basis. Nevertheless, he tries to include all viewpoints to let the reader make up his own mind.

He has never said that FEMA has a giant private army. If you look at Executive Orders 10995-11100, you will see where FEMA has been given the power to federalize local police departments and use the military domestically against Americans should the need arrive.

"The secret rulers of the world can live forever. (I think it came from a dream Alex had.)" For one thing, they're not secret. They're co-members of the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and others. Also, Alex has never said that they can live forever. He says that they DESIRE to live forever. And he has never mentioned any dream like the one you claim.

"The U.S. Government went around Italy blowing up school busses full of children...& admitted it.[/ed] (Twirling their moustaches & going "Nya-ha-ha-ha!" Alex hears a lot of admissions no one else can hear.)" No, it's called Operation Ajax and Operation Gladio, involving NATO's stay-behind armies. It's even on for God's sake.

"There are little wires in dollar bills that keep track of what you buy." He has never claimed that, and I've been listening for years. You constantly mock that Alex 'never provides proof', but neither do you, sir.

"Vicente Fox can morph into a green devil." For God's sake, is there anything you won't lie about!? NEVER has Alex claimed that! Documentation please!

"91% of Americans are Nazis. (Alex says anyone who favors gun control is a Nazi; 91% of Americans favor mandatory handgun registration.)" No, 91% DON'T favor mandatory handgun registration. Let's see a poll or proof, sir!

I'm too lazy to finish the rest of them, and I only covered the most glaring ones.


Can't help it if you don't like the facts. Here are some more you will not like...


"Everything I said was gonna unfold is now unfolding."
--Alex Jones

"There is a 90% chance we are gonna see bone-shattering mega-attacks in the United States, Canada, or England—or Israel...It could be both. In the next couple mid-October....We're talking about the total end of America, total martial law...I am predicting you will have huge terrorist attacks in the Western world by, at the latest, late October.."
--Alex Jones, InfoWars, August 10, 2006

"There is going to be more.
This is only the kick-off."
--Alex Jones, Infowars, Sept. 13, 2001

"Within 2 years I'm predicting...that you're going to see a suitcase nuke in this country. You're probably going to see a release in a few years of something communicable. & I am predicting that you will see a lot of conventional the next year or so."
--Alex Jones, Infowars (10/18/01)

"Suitcase nukes are a virtual certainty."
--Alex Jones, Infowars (5/16/02)

They're preparing for new terrorist attacks that are much larger.
& they're planning to bring in foreign armies."
--Alex Jones, Infowars, 7/11/02

"They're really setting us up for a smallpox attack...
It's not a question of if & when it's gonna happen."
--Alex Jones, Infowars, 9/26/02

whitepowerdog-It gets important to NOTE they are jewish, when detecting a conspiracy.


Which is why if you take Alex's word for things as gospel, you're just as much an idiot as if you don't try to grasp an understanding of how we're being setup for total enslavement.

The closest this country ever got to TRUE freedom, was back around the time of the old west (before 1868). If two people of equal understanding had a dispute, they could shoot each other and the sheriff wouldn't get involved. Now we let a Corporate managed institution called a court decide things for us.

The Native Americans had true freedom. They could hunt, eat, move around, settle down, grow crops, smoke any substance they wanted, anything you can imagine, the sky is the limit, THEY COULD DO IT ALL. As long as it was for the good of the tribe, or no harm done at all to the tribe, it was there's to enjoy and experience.

Fast forward to today... Smoking is almost 100% outlawed, most substances are outlawed. Hunting takes permits/license(s), which takes ID to get. Hunting takes land, somebody's land, which isn't free for the owner, or you get to pay a fee to hunt on somebody else's land, etc. Just about everything the Native Americans had is either outlawed and expensive to practice. How does this make us a free nation?!

If I was truly in a Republic (not a Democracy), I would be protected from the bad choices of the majority, and be able to do what I wanted to do on my own land or on free reserved from ownership land as long as I didn't murder anybody, rape anybody, or take/violate somebody else's rights. I could do whatever I wanted without being forced by a Government entity to tell me how to live, how to raise my children, etc. How does this make me free? I would very much just like to live by myself and never have to deal with society ever again, living off the land, growing my own food, making my own clothes, etc. If I didn't know any better I'd say society is very much like a virtual slave prison control grid abstractly portrayed by movies such as The Matrix.

At this point, somebody would most likely tell me to just move to another country. Fine then... if I was truly free in this country, why would I have to move then? I could find everything I wanted to live a simple life right here. Then there's the fact that, where can I move to where I can just be left alone? No taxes, no police state, none of society's bull, smoke what I want to smoke - in my house, outside of my house.

So yes, governments have always been evil in nature, maybe at first, maybe not, but in the end, they always focus on taking the power of the people away, and taking it for themselves. Governments will incrementally take away the people's power, at doses they'll tolerate. Government staged terror is very real.

I will admit, Alex defends the church like its our savior. Like when he spoke down about the Da Vinci Code movie. The plot of the movie was fiction, however, the history lesson of how the church destroyed its enemies during the crusades, using the Knights Templar, then betrayed the Knights Templar on Friday the 13th, and published the "Witches Hammer", which allowed them to slaughter countless activist women under 'Church law', is very real also.

I have nothing against a person seeking out their own spirituality, however, I can't stand dogmatic religious people. Many of Alex's listeners and dare I say it 'followers' have developed a dogmatic bond to him. Alex does speak the truth sometimes, where other times he's full of crap.

There really isn't a "New World Order", its really just an extremely "Old World Order". Most if not all of the ideals they use to enslave us with date back to Ancient Egypt. Whether or not its the same people who found a way to live forever, or the same families that've always been in power running the show one little nudge at a time in the background of history working us like chess pieces or puppets, who knows... If knowledge is power, than as an elite member of the world, its very LIKELY & POSSIBLE that the elite would attempt to gather as much knowledge possible, and keep it to themselves, as such is the mindset of a tyrant. As seen in the countless extreme experiments the Nazis performed on their slaves (ex. attempting to breed humans with animals).

I will say this, what you appear to have done is troll these boards, just from this topic alone, rather than engage it from a more tactful position. I generally don't post on message boards period, for obvious reasons of a 'pick your side' mentality, but tonight I made an exception, I picked my side, which is that nobody is perfect. I probably won't reply or post again, simply because there's more to life than worrying about what other people think and don't think. Maybe somebody needs to grow up!

I'm tired of being surrounded by sheeple, isolation is my own place of bliss...


I will say this, what you appear to have done is troll these boards, just from this topic alone, rather than engage it from a more tactful position. I generally don't post on message boards period, for obvious reasons of a 'pick your side' mentality, but tonight I made an exception, I picked my side, which is that nobody is perfect. I probably won't reply or post again, simply because there's more to life than worrying about what other people think and don't think. Maybe somebody needs to grow up!

If I didn't know any better I'd say society is very much like a virtual slave prison control grid abstractly portrayed by movies such as The Matrix.

Just not buying the whole slave thing. You seem to view The government as some homogenous organization instead of a mass of individuals with conflicting goals. Perhaps anyone who compares the US to the Matrix needs a reality check of their own.

whitepowerdog-It gets important to NOTE they are jewish, when detecting a conspiracy.


I got mine off Netflix and asked my Blockbuster to order it.
