This made me laugh...

A Users Comments stated
"As American citizens, and yes patriots of this country, we MUST demand action from our local, state and federal governments to reopen and conduct a TRULY INDEPENDENT investigation."

If government is led by a group partisans, then why would you bother with asking them to organise an enquiry about their conduct?
Its stuff like this that blows me away...yet you hear time after time from the 9/11 and conspiracy theorists.


Didn't you answer your own question there?

My understanding of how your government works is local governments operate within the laws of an individual state regarding the running of the county.
The state governments enact the laws relevant to that particular state and the laws of that state
The Federal government is the one that controls all of it at the top of the tier.

So that means that to open an investigation at a local or state level would only involve parcipitation by the city or state in question - New York without influence from Washington D.C.

If I am wrong I apologise.

What is your position on the 9/11 attacks anyway?


Wait, you're saying our government works? That's a new one.

On a long enough time line, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.


sheep alert


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, and the earth trembled for in the distance a great event was nearing, an event that would decide the fates of some 6.5 billion people, an event that would define the 21st century and form the basis for all things to come. All of this happened because people refused to hear one another out, they became divided by religion, language, and ethnicity. When they talked they only sought to further there agenda. When they fought, they fought for the wrong reasons. And when they discovered something truly astonishing, a secret that could potentially shake the foundations of an empire there eyes were closed by there brothers and sisters, who preffered to be blind to the realm of the real. These people went from day to day thinking only of themselves, they knew only those who thought and looked like themselves and cared not for the welfare of those different from them. They were not open to opinion, they ahd been raised to think like the crowd and follow the master. For this they found only suffering, the battles ended quickly and darkness fell upon the land. The people were unified, but it was a unification that crushed all forms of diversity and free thought. Those that did not look right were put to death, those that thought different and questioned the status quo were sent away never to be heard from again. So was the fall of man to the Machine, but these events have yet to transpire, now that you know what will you do?


kittens taste good with a glass of milk



sheep alert.


Uneducated village idiot alert

Conspiracy Theorism: The Olympics of the Village-Idiots since November 1963


You're stating you are a village idiot? And that you were born in Nov '63? One would think that at your advanced age, you would be able to acknowledge provable facts, especially ones declassified by your on government. But hey, you're the type who is actually going to enjoy pay $5.00 a gallon for gas this summer.


"Conspiracy Theorism: The Olympics of the Village-Idiots since November 1963"

watch these sock puppets put yet another a-hole in the Whitehouse.

and this country deserves it. Why do you think Iraq's a mess?

"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. "
-Animal Farm


Goverments worldwide togehter with huge corporations are doign anying they acn to hold humans down and in our places.

ppl being ignorant and claiming these conrpiracy films are all wrong are just proof that our world leaders have suceeded in fooling people into a false state of saftey.

This is not the first time things like this has happened during our whole history as humans things like this have happened some have been discovered and some not..
so I can't for one second sit here and think that 9/11 was the start of something much much bigger than media would tell us.
Hopefully those who really are behind this will pay but sadly money talks so I guess nothing, despite how much evidence we can be shown, will really happen to them.

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


ppl being ignorant and claiming these conrpiracy films are all wrong are just proof that our world leaders have suceeded in fooling people into a false state of saftey.

It's been proven it's all wrong.

despite how much evidence we can be shown

Any at all would be nice.

I own the David Shayler Board: Bunker & adrian365 do not!


Where has its been proven its all wrong?
Why is it that these kind of things can't hapen in our society but it oculd happen before? like with nazi germany?
What is so different with todays power mongers and those from the past? if you ask me nothing at all...
Greed is the number one cause...

But I guess for some people truth is what our media and govermetns tells us 'til the day we can read about the real events in our history books.

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\




Where has its been proven its all wrong?

Nice speech, make a 9/11 inside job claim. It's all been debunked.

I own the David Shayler Board: Bunker & adrian365 do not!


Im' just saying it make alot more sense that the "official" reports not just during 9/11 during the london bombings aswell..

there is so many facts out there that goes in other ways than the official reports and as a citizen I have the right to ask questions and I have the right to get answers.. sadly people in power posistions don't really wanna give me, and many others, the answers on the questions we ask.. I guess because they have no answers to give and if they did answer them honestly their official reports would fall.

But maybe you don't see it as an issue and therfore don't concern yourself with looking into stuff like this and that is your choice..
maybe you don't have a problem that we are getting cameras looking down on us in every street corner, maybe you don't see it as wrong as they can listen in on a conversions you have with someone over the phone.

I on the other hand want's my privacy I don't wanna hear anotehr excuse for them to say "but the cameras are there for your saftey" saftey from what? other people?
being mugged? robbed? stabbed? what are the cameras going to do about that?
are they having missiles inside them so if someone tries to robb me they shoot him/her or what?

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


I've looked into both, once again you fail to poke a hole in either 9/11 or 7/7. You can babble about cameras till the cows come home but that is not evidence of a inside job.

there is so many facts out there that goes in other ways than the official reports and as a citizen I have the right to ask questions and I have the right to get answers.

How about some of these facts?

I own the David Shayler Board: Bunker & adrian365 do not!


Yeah I can babble about the cameras because they are there.. and for the fact I was gonig a bit off topic when it came to those.. if you had read my whole message instead of that one line you maybe could have figured that out yourself =)

these facts can be found in loose ends, most of alexes films etc.
its so much more to this than just the 9/11 incident..
and its nothing new at all.. humans have made these kind of things for a long time.
Goverment people, big corporations wanna own everything and they stop at nothing to make it that way.
As long as people are being ignorant or just "accepting" this society they live in they win ground.

Maybe you think "we'll find something else then if this soicety is no good for you" yeah well that have come to min for many yrs now sad thing is where the heck should I go?
Every piece of this planet where a human can live a life is owned by someone.

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


these facts can be found in loose ends, most of alexes films etc

Do you mean Loose Change, There are no facts in there, pick one, Alex, Come one, lets start with Terrorstorm, go click on my posts on this board, Funny TerrorStorm Facts, totally debunked.

Free The Chasers!


Ah yes I meant that one.. sorry for the wrong word there..

well, they expose more or less the same evidence as Alex does..
I belive the actual firemen that worked inside the houses and their stores are more proof than to listen to someone that wasn't even in the buildings.
Hearing explosive experts and demolitions people talking about how they "blow things up" haha are in my point of view also evidence that the 9/11 attack was part of something much bigger.

come on how can it be that only the world trade center buildings either collapsed or was blown up.. when they were owned by the same guy.. someone that could benefit from it.
Just as Alex says in martial law (maybe in some other film aswell, I don't know) its very interesting how only his buildings was blown up, but no other building, even those that stood much much nearer the towers was being demolished..
I just don't by that.. I don't

there are so many thigns from official reports, news papers, tv-stations that casts light upon that this IS part of something bigger.

and the things that both the terror thing in usa and the bombings in London in BOTH cases there was actual drills ..
you tell me that this happens twice in a row? that drills on terror attacks gonna strike twice in a row when the "actual attack occours". no way!

rich folk in high positions in this world, wether its being goverment people or corpration people are the ones that pulls alot of strings.
just as it have happened in the past in rome, germany, soviet union (during stalins regime)

history is to me, yet again repeated, only this time they try do to it a bit smoother using the war on terror as an ground to gain what they want, and its not onlu usa.
England does it, my country is also, but in a much lesser scale, arguing in the same way.
scare tactics are occuring in many many countries do try and ensnare (is that even a word? haha) the population.

btw, sorry if my english is poor. I don't have english as native language so there are tons of spellingmistakes I know. Hope you understand what I write anyhow.

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


btw, sorry if my english is poor. I don't have english as native language so there are tons of spellingmistakes I know. Hope you understand what I write anyhow.

I understand what you write (you write one more language than I do) and are clear. So you are ahead of me, I can't spell well in my native language.

I belive the actual firemen that worked inside the houses and their stores are more proof than to listen to someone that wasn't even in the buildings.
Hearing explosive experts and demolitions people talking about how they "blow things up" haha are in my point of view also evidence that the 9/11 attack was part of something much bigger.

This has been totally debunked unless you have a new one.
Please give me links to these. Examples.

when they were owned by the same guy.. someone that could benefit from it.

Larry Silverstein lost 2.5 billion, he did not benefit, he lost money, a ton of money. WTC7 was hit because it was much taller than then the other buildings other than 1 & 2. Anything between the towers and WTC7 would not have been hit by debris coming from the top with much of a outward trajectory. (But look here at the link below, many were hit) The massive missing area on the left is WTC 1 and 2, to the right is WTC 6, with a huge hole in it's roof, WTC 6 is only Seven stories tall. WTC 7 which is not much farther away is 47 stories tall. Even though it is clear in the photo 6 was hit hard, anything flying much higher than the 7 stories of 6 and under the height of the 47 story WTC7 will hit 7.

and the things that both the terror thing in usa and the bombings in London in BOTH cases there was actual drills ..
you tell me that this happens twice in a row? that drills on terror attacks gonna strike twice in a row when the "actual attack occours". no way!

They are done all the time, the actual 7/7 drill was done totally in a office with no one in the field. The only 9/11 drill that mattered was canceled at 9:00 AM in the morning as soon as NORAD was advised of the highjackings and actually lead to two extra fighter planes ready to scramble. None of the 9/11 drills concerned terror attacks.

PS: So where are you from, not that it matters, we are all people.

Free The Chasers!


To me it has not been debunked... I rather belive yet again the goverment doesn't want the truth to come out there in the open.
Officiela reports over and over again states that fishy stuff is going on..

Well concerning new films.. loose change? will hopefully come out now as the final version in 2007... Read about it that its gonna hit the theaters in usa during sept-oct.

where does it states that Larry looses money? frmo what he paid for the buildings to the actual ammount he got in insurance was not a loose situation that's for sure..
and yeah I know that other buildings was hit but stuff.. but only WTC builidngs collpased or was blown up.

the 9/11 conceredn terror attacks.. I still don't belive what the facist media is trying to ditctate to the world.. just in fact they fighting thees so called conspiracy films back is to me proof that someoen doesn't want the world to know the truth.
I guess Hitler should be a huge fan of them by now.

Im from Sweden, the last free zone in the world *lol* (that was a joke, we are not free at all.. but comparing to the police state usa we are like in heaven)

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


where does it states that Larry looses money? frmo what he paid for the buildings to the actual ammount he got in insurance was not a loose situation that's for sure..
and yeah I know that other buildings was hit but stuff.. but only WTC builidngs collpased or was blown up.


Actually you are wrong, (Pentagon sort of blew apart, but you knew that and I think are talking total collapse), St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was also collapsed on 9/11. (but no one really knows about this one other than locals and those who study the matter in depth.


And Sweden, Have a good friend from there, came to our house when I was a kid as an exchange student, we have been in touch ever since. (Sweden is actually the country I often talk about as the closest I have viewed as a model for other countries, the US included in many ways, the only beef I have with Sweden is ABBA, well and Skinheads, the last time my old Swedish friend was here he told me you had a Skinhead problem, I was very surprised. I will send you ours if you have the room.)

But hey, On with the meat....


Silverstein lost 2.5 billion.

In its court papers, Swiss Re shows how Silverstein first tried to buy just $1.5 billion in property damage and business-interruption coverage. When his lenders objected, he discussed buying a $5 billion policy. Ultimately, he settled on the $3.5 billion figure, which was less than the likely cost of rebuilding.

The actual court ruling awarded Silverstein 2.2 Billion, not factoring in attorneys fees. CREDIT TO JINGPAW,. THANKS!

And of course this isn't profit for Silverstein. The money is being provided for him to rebuild the WTC complex, and it turns out that's quite expensive ($6.3 billion in April 2006

$2.2 billion in insurance money, $6.3 billion in costs?

Silverstein Properties and the Port Authority continue to be guided by a lease each signed six weeks before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. The lease stipulates that should the complex be destroyed, Silverstein must continue to pay the $120 million a year rent in order to maintain the right to rebuild. Mr. Silverstein has tried to persuade the Port Authority that his closely held company is capable of rebuilding while meeting its massive rent payments. The rent is currently being paid from insurance proceeds, draining the amount available for rebuilding.

$120 million dollars a year? So in the five years between the attacks and that article being written, Silverstein has paid out over $600 million on rent alone

6.3 billion in costs, 600 million in rent for ground with no building or revenue, almost 7 Billion in cost and 2.2 Billion in a insurance payout,

In a recent settlement the Port Authority agreed to pay half of the rebuilding cost which results in…..
A loss of about 2.5 billion for Larry Silverstein what a moneymaker!

The World Trade Centre
The super cracks it

May 24th 2007 | NEW YORK
From The Economist print edition
At long last, the developer and the insurers reach a deal


“I DON'T think anyone thought it would ever end,” said Eric Dinallo, New York state's insurance superintendent. But it has. In the early hours of May 23rd, seven insurance companies that had been refusing to pay out on claims related to the World Trade Centre site agreed to hand over $2 billion to bring the saga to a close. It was, they said, the largest single settlement in the history of the industry.

The payout will be split between the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which owns the site, and Larry Silverstein, its developer, who took over a 99-year lease on its buildings weeks before they were destroyed on September 11th, 2001. The deal resolves all outstanding claims over the attacks and ends more than five years of often ugly legal manoeuvring, during which the insurers accused Mr Silverstein of profiteering and he lambasted them for ducking their duty.

Mr Silverstein had contended that the attacks should be counted as two separate insurance events, entitling him to double the payout. The courts backed him, up to a point: some insurers were told they could treat it as a single incident, others as two events, depending on the phrasing of their policies. Mr Silverstein won a total of $4.68 billion in lawsuits—around two-thirds of what he had sought—but until this week had collected only $2.55 billion.

Though he pronounced himself pleased with this week's deal, he had to make concessions, such as abandoning his claim that the insurers owed more than $500m in interest accrued during the squabble. The insurers, for their part, dropped their insistence that they owed not a penny until the rebuilding was finished, probably in 2012. But it was Mr Dinallo who made it all happen. In March, after taking office, he made it a priority to break the deadlock. Meetings were convened in Delaware, Paris and Geneva, and heads banged together. New York's governor, Eliot Spitzer, helped with a final push.

Mr Spitzer hailed the settlement as being of “monumental importance”. It removes the last big obstacle to redeveloping Ground Zero, and opens the way to issue tax-free bonds and tap other sources of private financing. The entire project is expected to cost at least $9 billion. That will pay for five skyscrapers, shopping areas, a train station (already under construction) and possibly a hotel. The centrepiece will be the much-redrawn Freedom Tower, rising to a symbolic 1,776 feet.

Free The Chasers!


Throw me your next claim that supports a inside job if you will.

Free The Chasers!


well rebuilding costs money.. but I, as far as I knot about your country, that he will not be resposible to pay for that rebuild all by himself, as in Sweden where there is an "disaster" the goverment goes in and helps out.. so the total bill that whatthey will cost is not going to be paid out of hos pocket alone..
then of course how much money he must spend, I guess we will neverk now.. why should he or anyone go public and talk about that? "not our buisness" I presume.

Anyhow.. we can sit here and argue back and forth for weeks..
you belive your goverment had nothing to do withthis at all, I am on the oppisite side.

both sides has arguments that are "trust" worthy. Even if we talk numbers etc. etc.
There are still things I don't buy from the official reports given to the oustside world. I have no clue if your media says different thins within your country and given to the outside world.
The huge protest that Alex Jones is taking place in in the Rice of the police state film is not known by many outside USA.. fox news, CNN and the other huge news stations in your country didn't seem that we should know about that.

The planes alone is to me fact enuf that they were not all that was done to those huge buildings to make them collapse.. I will not ever nver buy that.

and even if its some day comes out in the open that the attack on WTC was ONLY done by foregin terrorists and not buy your terror goverment. They have sooo much taken that into action with other really disturbing plans.
so even if you think Alex Jones is a compelte fraud he is right about one thing..
this whole world is slowly turning into a huge ass police state.. with sadly enuf, your goverment in the lead.
It doesn't need any documentaries too see how this world is chaning. how so mnya goverments are using this "war on terror" as an excuse to ensalve their people.
Its happening in so many places.
USA and England is going in the lead though.. sadly weak goverments, like the one we have here, is slowly going along.

the war on terror is a big hoax.. the biggest terrorits in this world are still and will alwas be: goverments and big corporations that only cares of one thing: power!

goodbye with democracy and hello to facism!

regarding the skinhead problem: its aint such a huge problem.. its just that they got alot of media coverage in this country, but we have got a more racist/fascist society in Sweden during the last 2 years and its our goverment we shall thank for that.
Many born swedes are getting fed up with the fact that Swedens takes in so many foreginers...
we are a rather small country below 10 million in population but in % we take on more foreginers than even you, from what Ive read.
we don't have the economy do support that and many living here knows that and wants our goverment to stop this "invasion" as some call it and start taking care of all those that lives here first.
but they don't.. they dontt even wanna talk about it.
so we have got new political parties rising up that are talking about this issue. and therefor they get many votes.

we have a goverment living in denial of the truth just as so many other goverments out there.
Democracy (the state shall serve the people) has lost its touch.. sadly

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


come on now can't actually belive that 9/11 was an inside job and then say that everyone who belives it wasn't is "ignorant and blind" there is alot more evidence toward 9/11 NOT being an inside job then there is to beliveing the bush administration was behind it...also i give credit to you conspiracy theorists you help keep the government in check with your theories and if something ever does go wrong Im sure you guys will be the first to discover said problem and open our eyes however you are not giving yourselves credit by saying everything is a conspiracy as Alex Jones does


The huge protest that Alex Jones is taking place in in the Rice of the police state film

Was that about Mainland China? Hey, For the first time I agree with him.

Free The Chasers!


The planes alone is to me fact enuf that they were not all that was done to those huge buildings to make them collapse.. I will not ever nver buy that.

Yea, Don't let facts get in your way. Keep a closed mind. You are the model of the last 4.6%.

well rebuilding costs money.. but I, as far as I knot about your country, that he will not be resposible to pay for that rebuild all by himself, as in Sweden where there is an "disaster" the goverment goes in and helps out.. so the total bill that whatthey will cost is not going to be paid out of hos pocket alone..
then of course how much money he must spend, I guess we will neverk now.. why should he or anyone go public and talk about that? "not our buisness" I presume.

You are wrong, that's not how it works here, the Port Authority picked up half, it's over, he lost 2.5 Billion. (Actually more, I have not updated his rent of empty ground for WTC 1 & 2 in about a year.)

Free The Chasers!


You don't agree with him on the simple fact that your goverment is itself is terrorising the world?
that they slowly are re-building america to a police state?
and that you probably should try and find someone that runs the show a bit cleaner and smoother =)

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


You don't agree with him on the simple fact that your goverment is itself is terrorising the world?
that they slowly are re-building america to a police state?
and that you probably should try and find someone that runs the show a bit cleaner and smoother =)

Totally separate issue, thanks for playing.

Free The Chasers!


umm no its not a totally sperate issue..
its all connected.. and pls don't forget this forum si 'bout terrorstorm which os very much dedicated to the police state syndrom..
9/11 thing we have been talking about is just a part of that whole movie..
something Alex connects with all the aftercomming events..

just curious.. are you yourself totally happy where this world is comming to or do you at all think that its good that people tries the best they can to fight back this injustice that is enaring our world?

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


its all connected.. and pls don't forget this forum si 'bout terrorstorm which os very much dedicated to the police state syndrom..

And all debunked, go here. Alex would not know the truth if it bit him, he is a businessman looking to make money selling snake oil and people buy it. (Name one fact in terrorstorm that is true, be specific.)

just curious.. are you yourself totally happy where this world is comming to or do you at all think that its good that people tries the best they can to fight back this injustice that is enaring our world?

No, Fight the good fight, All for it, just make sure they are real problems and don't swing at windmills.

Free The Chasers!


Facts get in my way?
Must suck to have the two worst built skyskrapers in the world huh?

and without any kind of help on its way down, its against all laws of nature to make a building fall that fast..
That is not nothing that only has to do with conspiracy, if those buildings was built according to what they have said...
NO way a plane and NOTHING more can make them fall down that fast.. its impossible.
OR it was the two biggest building scams in history... and if that is the case I also know why some people don't wanna get certain things out in the open.

and btw its nice to see that as I speak against tyranny and against a police state society that YOUR goverment so proudly represent by terrorising your own country and others Im a narrow minded, stupid person, that should get my facts straight? Instead of trying to get people like those running the show out of their offices and actualyl try and get someone in there that thinks about your, the people and not how much oil there is in Irac, or how the g8 meeting shall generate more contacts and more money.

I know conspiracy videos like twist ant tunr things around BUT so does the regular Media, so does your so dearly loved goverment.
Its all in black and white..
You might think Im stupid just since I feel much evil is going on in this world and I mean evil in a bad way.
Someone gains ALOT from these things..
WHY did they not let all warnings concern them WHY did Bush actually do NOTHING when he even got brifed about bin ladin, why did he sit there like a rotten egg when he was brifed that a second plane hitted that tower.
They all lied, lied, lied, twistet the truth, lied lied lied.
and they are still doing their jobs...
if YOU had done so many mistakes in a regular job you would have been fired...
but in this case.. no no no.
We let the war and power mongers be in their places...
I mean after all, they are just trying to protect your from terror sadly enuf not from their own terror.

in the long run he doesn't loose any money as he could do with the two towers taht was standing there..
but this si not even realy about his ugly money. Its why they destroyed WTC7 in the long run!
And there the conspiracy films have a point NOT about the plans for 9/11
but I can belive much proof on all warnings on this event would be there.. events that they didn't wanna tell us about if we DIDN'T have had people working freely to scan all news reports around the world.
big corporate buisness trials that was suddenly just blown to nothingess..
I belive on that point they were right..
alot of people in nice suits got free from jail that day.

//..At my signal, unleash hell.
Gladiator, spoken by Russell Crowe..\\


in the long run he doesn't loose any money as he could do with the two towers taht was standing there..

Sure he does, you make no sense, it's 2.5 billion he will never get back, sure he may make a profit in the long run but he will always be 2.5 billion short of what he could have made.

in the long run he doesn't loose any money as he could do with the two towers taht was standing there..
but this si not even realy about his ugly money. Its why they destroyed WTC7 in the long run!

Say what?

WHY did they not let all warnings concern them.

They did, they were not specific.

WHY did Bush actually do NOTHING when he even got brifed about bin ladin, why did he sit there like a rotten egg when he was brifed that a second plane hitted that tower.

The television screen in the upper left was running CNN on mute. Noticing the President coming on, Lisa turned on the volume and the crisis conference halted to listen. "...into the World Trade Centre in an apparent attack on our country."

During the pause, I noticed that Brian Stafford, Director of the Secret Service, was now in the room. He pulled me aside. "We gotta get him out of there to somplace safe... and secret. I've stashed FLOTUS". FLOTUS was White House speak for Mrs Bush, First Lady of the United States, now in a heavily guarded, unmarked building in Washington...

"Can you work with Brian", I told [Franklin] Miller. "Figure out where to move the President? He can't come back here until we know what the *beep* is happening."..."

Page 6
Against All Enemies
Richard A Clarke

In itself this seems straightforward, but the important part is when it took place: Bush didn't deliver his remarks until 9:30. And yet, the Director of the Secret Service, at least as reported by Clarke, isn't astounded that Bush is still at the school. In fact it seems it's only just occurred to him that something needs to be done. It appears Stafford doesn't want to simply "get Bush out of the school", either -- he wants assistance in planning what their next move should be, from Clarke, who was the man in charge of the White House Situation Room at the time. Which surely was a reasonable idea.

NO way a plane and NOTHING more can make them fall down that fast.. its impossible.

To make that statement one would have to know how fast it should have fallen, HOW FAST IS THAT, and why could a plane not do it alone.

Free The Chasers!



Your comment is one of the most balanced and thoughtful I have seen from either side of the arguement, although I have to say that at least in this thread both sides are being argued with suprising civility and intelligence.

I am honestly torn by the whole 9/11 ordeal. I think Bush is too big of a boob to pull it off, but I also feel he was not the real power behind the throne. I also think that regardless of whether or not 9/11 was an inside job, genuine conspiracies began the moment it happened.

I have never beleived in over-arching "octopus" style conspiracies, but I think that those who think conspiracies do not occur, sometimes very large ones, are as naieve as those who see conspiracy everywhere. To me, the idea that people with power and money conspiring with each other to consolidate said power and money is a given, even when they may be at odds on other issues.

Case in point, the chap who was said not to have benefitted because he was given roughly $2 billion to do a job that will cost $6 billion. I am admittedly ignorant of all the details, and am not saying that he was involved with 9/11, but anyone who thinks that being in his situation is without benefit may want to reconsider. From the surface it is quite a net loss, but a lot of power comes with being in that position as well, with plenty of opportunity to personally benefit. There are very high saleries to be paid, huge contracts to be dangled, and in the end, as the current banking fiasco has shown, the government will step in to bankroll whatever is lacking.

Do I personally think 9/11 was an inside job? I don't think we will ever really know, despite all the "evidence" and "debunking." Although I am often disappointed and disillusioned with our so-called "fascist" media, I think at the end of the day the rank and file of the news industry is on the side of the people. But I also think some stories may get less play because they are far fetched, even if there are some genuinely unanswered questions.

But I think Alex Jones does more harm than good by throwing so much bunk in that genuinely fair questions (don't quiz me, I don't have any of them prepared)are muddied. But who knows? A wise man by the name of Aleister Crowley once said "doubt even that ye doubteth." I am skeptical enough of my own skepticism to acknowledge that sometimes the nut with the tin foil hat might have it right.


"(Name one fact in terrorstorm that is true, be specific.)"

1. The fact that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false pretense for the Vietnam war.

2. The fact that the US (CIA) removed the elected head of Iran in 1953.


Rephrase that, a fact that supports the conclusions of the movie.

Andromeda_XO-Hates Jews and Gays, Loves fans of the kinder!



All the facts are openly available at your governments sites and offices.
PNAC site is open and available; there you will find the details.
FEMA camps are being built around the country and the laws are changing into martial laws.
I hope you are connected or not in the States, coz its gonna be pwetty unfwee there, kiddo.
I guess you are not from the U.S.A., as your nick is Punjab9800. And we all know there are no conspiracies in the Punjab and everybody there has all their rights still, eh? No great class-distinction and all that....
LMAO at how ignorant people wish to be. We can joke all we want, but there is not so much time left to unite and revolt....


FEMA camps are being built around the country and the laws are changing into martial laws.

Yea, How does all that left over canned food from Y2k taste?

vaju - Again a two digit number, brainwatched zombies never change their behavior.


Punjab is a mindless, brainless subservient.
