Go Jeffrey!!!

I'm really looking forward to this next Jeffrey Combs-movie :-)

#61: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000005/board/nest/51306920?d=51306920#51306920


As am I, DrMulholland, as am I. Am just hoping it doesn't turn out the way "Satanic" did, wherein he's given high billing for two minutes of screen time. Not that they wouldn't be a cool two minutes, mind you, but I need my Combs fix, and that just ain't cuttin it.


Sorry guys. I just rented it for Jeffrey and he ended up being in it for about five minutes tops. :(

Oh well, you get to see him with a mustache, cute accent, and there is an implied rape scene... lol


A rape. . . of his character? Cause all of a sudden, this isn't the sort of movie I thought it was. ;)


No, Jeffrey's the one being the bad boy in this movie.


Yep, he played a rapist. It was a hard scene to watch, but the only scene in the entire damn movie that evoked any emotion. Once again, Mr. Combs did a lovely performance, even if the character was quite dispicable. Though I respect that in an actor, being not only willing to play a disgusting role like that of a rapist, but being able to play it well. Bravo, Mr. Combs, bravo.


Hes only in two scenes and one flashback.
