
that's the word to describe this film

Beautiful lead actresses, Beautiful story about 2 sisters struggling together and Beautiful acting

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Totally awesome, good cast. i liked it.

My Rating - 8/10

a line is a dot that walks


I agree. I thought the acting and pace of the story were great. Emily Blunt put in an amazingly emotional performance. It seemed like the sound was off in certain parts toward the end.

(I've read others canning Blunt's performance, but to me she was amazing).


i liked little miss sunshine

sunshine cleaning was not as good

like many had commented, the script could be good but it is not

too many loose ends, not enough humor


Why is everyone comparing this to Little Miss Sunshine?? NOTHING is the same!!! Each film is its own film. The acting cannot be compared as the characters being portrayed were not similar in the least, and the plotline is completely different. And if you'd read what the movie was about, you'd know that it is supposed to be dark, not humorous like LMS. LMS is a film where everything is wrapped up, everything is explained. SC is more like real life-- only some things get tied up and only some things are funny. And the script not being good? Are you kidding? We must not have seen the same film.

"I can't fight or shoot a gun but I can spit with deadly accuracy."


I'm so glad that a movie starring two great actresses and another great supporting actress was done so well. I am glad that I saw it.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


I preferred Little Miss Sunshine, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and The Sunshine Boys to Sunshine Cleaning. I can't compare it to the 2007 science fiction film Sunshine, which I haven't seen.


What an excellent group of actors in this wonderful film. One of the best films I've seen in quite some time and would gladly watch again.


You said it perfectly. Totally agree.
