The Curse of Clyde Langer

This episode felt like a really good episode of doctor who it would also have worked as a torchwood episode. Best episode of the whole series id have to say.


It was very good though it felt a bit rushed, but considering what we now know there could be a very good reason for the rush.


Just the right pitch for kids. That's the greatest insecurity tweenies have - the fear of not being liked and people being mean to them.


I agree, it was a great episode, but the ending felt quite rushed. It didn't seem the writer knew quite how to get rid of the "bad guy", so it ended with Clyde sort of hugging a tree while repeating his name. Didn't really take anything away from the rest of the story, though, which was possibly my favourite from the whole series.

Spiggin hufter!


I thought that was one of the most depressing hours of children's tv. How can you not feel badly for Ellie? I hope they didn't think that hitchhiking on some truck to nowhere was a good solution. The one thing she had going was her new friendship with Clyde and then he just disappears. What kind of frame of mind could she possibly be in? My only hope is that they planned to bring her back for another episode to give her a happy ending. Clyde mentioned Ellie in passing in the final episode. He said something to Rani about sorry about the Ellie stuff. He didn't have anything to apologize for after the Curse episode, so maybe he did something later.

I didn't really understand the curse. Sarah Jane said the evil spirit wanted to isolate Clyde so I guess it wanted Clyde to be depressed or hate himself so he could be vulnerable and the evil guy could move in. But that doesn't really fit either. Clyde's talent and personality kept him going. Not sure how the entity was getting stronger based on what Clyde was doing.

For awhile I thought Ellie might have been a figment of Clyde's imagination. I think I would have liked that ending better.


Well, my thoughts exactly! You definitely feel sorry for Ellie, I really thought they could give her a better ending, for all I know now she had a glimmer of hope with Clyde that maybe she won't be homeless anymore and then Clyde disappears, if I were her, I would be heartbroken....

I agree travelling in truck possibly illegally to some foreign land is hardly the happy ending for a homeless teenage girl who is already very vulnerable, does anyone have the dvd, do they have any extra-material on Ellie dilemma?


The ending of the episode clearly posed more questions than it answered. It felt like they'd be returning to it and the Night Dragon Haulage in a later episode in the series had Sladen not died and the show continued.
