
Maybe crewd and that but there's some very funny one liners, and i don't believe i watch just because there are a few women in lingerie. The leadman plays his part very well, and the plumber is a great supporting character.


Not hilarious but worth a watch


I just love the Serbian whore Yelena! That's such a funny part!!


"Eat jellied eels and think distant thoughts."


I think it's a fantastic comedy that touches on sex in a way that makes you laugh.
I love comedy i will watch anything from On the buses to Ideal.
This is one of my most fav modern comedys.

No cash no gash!


I have to say, I think it is very funny as well. Some of the one-liners are fantastic and really make me laugh out loud! The characters are brilliant, surprisingly easy to identify with (or recognise as people you know) and each one has a clearly defined personality.

I suppose it's like everything - what one person thinks is terrible, another will love. This certainly brightens up an otherwise dull Wednesday TV schedule for me, and I enjoy watching it.


It's one of my favourite shows ever.

"I mean... how do you NOT have sex with me?"


I gotta say it's suprisingly good.


