Marines vs Swat

So does anybody know or care to explain how trained veterans who lived a daily lifestyle of getting shot at or being under threat, could hit a SINGLE swat member, while swat killed three marines?


Its part of the liberal medias agenda to make all law enforcement vermin scum seem like the heroes while the military is made to look like knuckle dragging psychopaths. When in reality law enforcement picks up a gun to kill americans, while the military defends them.


Most of law enforcement is former military. No police officer sets out to kill anyone. Police perform heroic actions all of the time. Many urban combat tactics were pioneered by law enforcement and copied by the military.
I can say as an actual professional in the field, police officers, especially SWAT team members receive a lot more training, firing thousands of rounds a month all year round, where as a deployed member of the military doesn't have that luxury. When I was in the military sometimes "pray and spray" was the order of the day and if a non-combatant was hit unintentionally it was collateral damage. In police work, we are accountable for every round, and if a civilian is hit, it's manslaughter.
I disagree that the media glorifies the police. If anything, it pumps out unrealistic nonsense regarding a very difficult job. I am a proud cop and proud veteran and most of both are awesome people who want to serve their fellow man/country.


I am a veteran as well and your claim that most law enforcement are vets is a lie. Also your claim that a innocent civilian hit by one of your rounds is man slaughter is also a lie. Law enforcement officers routinely kill, murder, beat, rape, and violate the constitutional rights of Americans as part of your job. Now that everyone carries around a camera your days of pretending you are heroes is over. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be police however, but you rank as high in my book as a trash collector. Not a glamorous job but someone has to do it. As for it being difficult, you are over four times more likely to die being a farmer than a cop. Also the media that actually makes it seem like you are good at your job, the nation wide murder solve rate is about 65%. Good job officer as long as you are right more often that a meteorologist i guess you can sleep at night.


Well, can't argue with a scumbag!
