MovieChat Forums > Tropa de Elite (2007) Discussion > City of God Was Waaay Better

City of God Was Waaay Better

I can't believe some people think this was better than City of God.

It(COG) had way better, unforgettable characters(come on, Lil' Ze should be as iconic as Tony Montana...not to mention Knockout Ned) a better title, and it was based on a real story)

don't get me wrong Troopa, was a very engaging film, but it did not linger in my head the way City of God did.


Same location but different films with different stories to tell. Enjoy the quality of both rather than play one off against the other, pointless exercise.


Agree, even if I do prefer way much "Cidade de Deus".
Music and FAN !!!


'Prefer' is a 'better' way of expressing your opinion.... :-)


I agree. Elite Squad is a knock-off; kinda like City of God: The Next Generation, only focusing on corrupt cops and marine-like super-cops. It's exciting a good deal of time and has some good performances, but it's hard to set it apart from Meirelles's film when 1) it has constant 1st person narration, 2) constant hand-held camerawork (although without the same exhiliration and invention as COG had), and 3) it details the slums of Rio in excrutiating, violent and dark storytelling. It's also, in my opinion, nastier than COG and without at least just that shred of hope for the main character, or the iconic villain Lil' Ze. It works for sure as a desperate cry of help for Rio, maybe more-so than City of God, but it doesn't make it a better movie, not by a longshot. I give it 7/10, where as City of God is in my top 10 favorite films of the decade.

The day I follow Aubrey Hale Clayton on a wet deck - that day, I cut my throat.


I have to disagree, I prefer Elite Squad.


Agreed. Elite squad was better.

City of God was just... meh, and occasionally even a little annoying. Elite Squad was dangerously powerful in what it made me think about myself and how I would act.


totally different films
