MovieChat Forums > Deadlands: The Rising (2006) Discussion > Ask a question, post your thoughts threa...

Ask a question, post your thoughts thread... Filmmakers will respond

It seems everyone has questions about the film so I figured instead of going thread hopping every ten minutes we could keep everything in one thread.

If you ahve a question, in regards to the film, even if you didn't liek the film but have a question ask it, I will respond. (If you haven't figured it out by now I am the director) Your feedback and questions only helps me since films at this level don't really get a test audience. So here is your chance.

However, if your questions is rude obnoxious, or just plain moronic, just to get a rise out of myself or other cast/crew members it will be ignored. I am offering you a chance to voice your opinions and concerns, or questions, however I won't respond to people whom wanna flex their internet muscles or be complete dicks. This is not what this thread is used for, if you wanna do that make a separate thread and It can be ignored.

So blast away.


these are my comments, so in short, make sure your next film is more campy with good atmosphere(take an example from Halloween, house of 1000 corpses, George Romero's zombie flicks), and make sure your zombies actually look like zombies or act like ones and not some ridiculous noobs you picked off from the street.

Films like these don't need heavy acting, just get a few good actors and let the zombies work for you, let the action and campiness work for you.


Something I didn't touch upon in the 1st reply... campy feel. This is something I chose to avoid. Now there is a little camp behind Deadlands, but it is more akin to the humor of Dan OBannon's Return of the Living Dead, which this film heavily references.

If talking campy as in ROTLD part 2, I don't think I would go that far., but then again, you never know.

Anyway, thanks for your feedback.


yo, this is one of the hpotd members, guess who?, so i figured id ask hows the script for deadlands 2 coming along?


It is finished and awaiting production. All 127 pages of it are ready for story boarding, and filming.


Man, campy is wayyyyy overdone now a days anyway...

BTW what does a real zombie act like? I take you have seen some..? Been to Haiti recently and not just Wal-Mart or the Mall?




The film was not bad, not bad at all. Not the worst movie I have seen, it is better than some I could mention. The question I have is where can I get the score from? I loved the ambient score. The keyboard music was excellent!. And also that guitar solo as the zombies were walking through the traffic jam was really good as well.

Cheers! :)

"Death heals the wounds of life."



I saw Deadlands and I really liked it.
Some people forget that it is an indepedent horror flick. They have some expectations that cannot be fullfilled with a low-budget movie. I don't understand why people can truly think that Deadlands is the worst movie of all time, really exagerated. Of course you can have an opinion and tell it, but don't exagerate!

When I don't like a movie I say ''I don't like it'', but never ''it's crap'' nor ''it's the worst movie ever''

So Mr Ugarek I'm awaiting the sequel of your little gem. The first episode was made very professional even for a low budget (camera work for instance). Avoid some of the 'actors' you had in the first (like the scenes in the shelter).
Favourite sequence: the traffic jam sequences.

now hows that title:
Deadlands episode 2: deadlier than death itself ?



Hi Pat,

thanks for the comments. Deadlands 2 will actually be a year off from originall planned. Right now I am working on Trapped, another zombie film that mixes Dawn of the Dead, Demons and a few other cool zombie flicks. Some people consider it a remake of Demons, but it is more of an homage.

Trapped should be released in late 2008. Then I will move forward on Deadlands 2.
"Thank God we invented the... you know, whatever device." Jeff Megall


I just wanted to say kudos.I love a movie that has heart.I'm friends with Tony Mandle*He directed Midnight Mass and handles all the major make up at Great Adventure during Fright Fest.I really enjoy people that have a love for movies.And after seeing in the last few years the big budget ruining of some classic zombie movies by people that don't have a heart just cash pisses me off.


Thanks Ak6702.

Sorry it took so long to respond... haven't been keeping up on the IMDb pages for both Deadlands film like I should be.

Working on a sequel to All in the Game

"Deadlands 2: Trapped"


YEAH, my question is.... why do you make such crap?? at least I didn't pay for it, I stole it from a torrent site.... oh well, I hope you can answer my question... best regards.. G


You didn't have to steal it. I uploaded it onto You Tube for free.

To answer your other question, this was my first attempt at making a film, with $10,000, and trying to stage some items you don't get to see in a lot of zombie films.(Traffic Jam)

I take responsibility on the poor execution, lack of experience was my problem and I should have done even more research, but I decided to make the flick anyway and whatever the outcome take it or leave it.

When I made Deadlands 2, I specifically worked on the weaknesses in my abilities and feel it is a much better film. So much so that I did not renew the contract option for Deadlands: The Rising with the distributor. This film is now OOP, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future.

Sorry you didn't enjoy it, but hopefully you will give the second one a chance which is more or less a reboot/retry of the whole process. I actually consider it my favorite film of the 3 I have made.

It is also up for free on youtube.

"Deadlands 2: Trapped"


I was surprised at how much I liked the movie. I've been searching for a zombie movie that gives me the creeps and give me a feeling of dread. I was more surprised when I felt that watching this movie. I think to watch an independent low budget horror movie you have to be in the mood to play along and understand that most times, it's horror fans that want to simply make an entertaining movie. They aren't trying to outdo the best or say they are the best, they're just doing their best to bring their ideas to life and make something fun for all of us to enjoy. People need to lighten up and watch as a fan of zombies an not as connoisseurs of zombie excellence. Even the best zombie movies have issues. Lol

The only issues I had were the running zombies and the rushed attacks (they were over too soon and the slower zombies creeped me out more), and while I thought the facial make up of the zombies and the dead eyes was great, you could see where the makeup ended. I also wondered what the hell happened to the dog. Did it starve? Was it eaten? Was it trouble on the set?

I think most of the acting was realistic and was happy the the people are realistic looking. Regular looking people makes movies more believable and more scary. I liked the use of different types of music and the fact that every scene wasn't bogged down with it. I hate when they have loud pounding heavy metal music in every scene. Lol

All in all I thought if was a decent horror movie for a Halloween night. There are a lot of horror movie nerd and zombie perfectionists that sit around thinking of how movies can be better and how much they suck. But at least you got out there and made attempts at making your own. I've heard a lot of commentaries, interviews, and articles on directors saying how hard it is to get movies made the way you want and the incredible amount of things they had to learn until they got it right, so considering all that, I think you did a good job. [clap}


Glad you enjoyed and thank you for the feedback. Tis appreciated someone took it for what it was worth as ooposed to just looking at it from the budget independent stand point.

"Deadlands 2: Trapped"

