MovieChat Forums > Header (2009) Discussion > Wasn't disturbing enough!

Wasn't disturbing enough!


If you drill a hole in someone's head, I'm pretty sure you won't instantly die like all the victims in the film do. I would have liked to have seen the face of the victim still alive as the bad guy inserts and pumps away, maybe the eyes rolling up as it's happening.
The subject matter and some of the imagery was pretty disturbing. Unfortunately the early John Water's style camp tone of the film ruined it for me. It didn't suit the subject matter and served to distance the viewer from what was going on. It's got to be said, most of the acting is atrocious! I actually loved the old man's OTT performance, but his son by contrast should have played the part straight instead of acting like he was in a comedy and the lead character, the fed was brain-searingly awful.
That said, I did quite like this film but with acting this bad it's hard to suspend disbelief
