Analysis of this movie

This is an analysis of this movie I thought of

Part 1- SEELE's motive for Instrumentality

We do know the HIP involves killing all life on Earth and an "Impact" event is required for the project. It would seem that SEELE may be angels or something related as Gendo states "They are born with the fruit of life" and it would explain their motive for an apocalypse and who they are.

Part 2- Kaji's involvement with WILLE

Though not shown in movie it is a safe bet he has some kind of involvement as everyone knows of Kaji. Plus Kaji gave Misato information on SEELE's and Gendo's plans. We know that at the end of the 2nd Rebuild movie that Kaji knew what was happening with Unit-01 when the Third Impact was starting. It is also known that Asuka had info on SEELE's plans as she mentions them in movie.So it could be possible that Kaji betrayed Gendo out of love for Misato as well as possibly wanting to atone for helping Gendo.

Part 3- Why Misato did not kill Shinji

Though Shinji ruined the world further it is possible that Misato still partly cared about Shinji as she hesitated to blow him up.

Part 4- Nature of the (Near) Third Impact/ Fourth Impact

While it seems like there is no Anti A.T. Field involved the Earth is toxic to humans and other life. So it would seem some kind of toxic gas or radiation came from the "Doors of Guf" as well as the souls of creatures born with the fruit of life.

I know this is not a full analysis so post your thoughts about the movie.


Wasn't Second Impact caused by Humans making contact with Adam? Perhaps it gave the members of SEELE the abilities of Angels?

I will not fear, fear is the mind killer


In the original anime it was but it is a different continuity, however there were four "Adams" and no real information is given on the Second Impact.
