
The first Rebuild got me into the whole Evangelion thing. I love the original series and the Rebuilds, but after hearing all the bad stuff about Quickening I was honestly expecting to be really disappointed. I finally watched it a while ago though and it didn't disappoint me at all. I liked the whole Kaworu/Shinji bonding thing (definitely the best thing about the movie) and how it all went down and set it all up for the final movie. Sure, I'm still concerned about how it's gonna all end... it just seems like Anno just created a gaping hole full of plot issues that I feel won't be resolved in just one movie...
But surprisingly I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. I actually found it funny how Shinji's almost obliterated all of mankind twice in three movies.
Anybody else feel the same way?


I'm just kind of sad how they had that teaser in the post credits sequence for Evangelion 2.0

I was looking forward to seeing who Kaji had the gun pointed at, and how NERV would deal with Mari, and the "Children of" whatever that SEELE mentioned.

None of those scenes appeared and its rumored to be a scrapped movie and they re-did the third movie as what we have now.
