I Love this movie!

I have two daughters (8 and 3) and they of course are huge Barbie fans! We have gotten them all of the Barbie movies over the years and until now their favorite was The Princess and the Pauper. I picked this one up for them last week and I must say that it is the best Barbie movie so far, story wise and visually. I play alot of computer games so whenever I watch movies like this I'm on the lookout for good graphics. This is definately the best looking Babrie movie yet!
If you haven't seen this movie yet, I recommend you do so immediately(whether you have little girls or not :)


Im A Bratz Fan But I Enjoyed This movie!I Thought It Was Really Cool How They Danced And They Went To A Magic World And The Song Shine Has Become 1 of My Favz!


My daughter and I have all of them too! And I seem to like this one the best; including the music.
Just this summer I was able to take my daughter and three of her friends to see Barbie Live in Fairytopia. That was cool to actually see Barbie on stage.

"... every child in our world will know his name!" --- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone


I loved it too. I thought the movie had a great story line as well. The graphics were aaaaawesome! It was so colorful and. . . just simply wonderful. I'm 13 and I loved this movie. There's still a bit of "little girl" in me. Who am I kidding?? I'm still a little girl lol.

Life needs a SOunDtRacK!


I'm 21, and the 4-year-old girl I babysit likes this movie a lot, so I've seen it a couple of times and I have to admit, I really like it! I'm pretty cynical, too, but something about the story, the characters, and the animation just really appeals to me!
