
While most of these types of shows have the good taste to not show severe injuries or death this one doesn't hesitate to, while adding whacky narration.

Video of a skier falling 30 feet onto a boulder, head-first. He rolls down the hill unconscious. Then cut to an unrelated interview with a guy who crashed his mountain bike and claim it's the same guy but his brain's so messed he doesn't remember he was skiing.

A bull jumping into a crowd and landing on people, some clearly injured. I can accept the voyeurism and schadenfreude of viewing such a clip but to add whacky comments?

On their web site they show a man shot from a cannon who misses the net and hits the dirt. I had seen this video before and recall the man broke his back and was hospitalized for something like a year. I shudder to think what narration they added for broadcast.

I had to delete this from my DVR 15 minutes into the first episode. This isn't whacked out, it's sick.




His jokes suck and are mostly demeaning and untrue of the people shown. The video clips have been aired time and time again. It's like they're trying to do a rip off of MaxEx with the narration but it just isn't funny.


I just caught this show on TV again and OMG. I swear to christ this guy is hoping the people die in the videos.


I agree, the lines of narration on this show is bad (in terms of the jokes and in terms of the insensitivity to what happens to the people shown). I've only seen the show a few times but each time I watch it's surprising what the host says. One memorable episode involved a sky diver's parachute failing and the woman broke her skull, both legs, and several ribs and the host was cracking jokes like "not only is this a great way to propose, it's also a great way to kill you fiance". Bleh.


you people have no sense of humour.



If you think this is not funny, you seriously need to relax!

This show is laugh out loud funny and guaranteed to have me crying with laughter from start to finish!


Well, it's clear to me that you're an idiot. Go kill yourself and film it so you can be in this show.


"schadenfreude" what the hell does that mean?

i dont think that the show means any disrespect to the ppl getting hurt....its just a show...get over it.



Schadenfreude From Germany--The pleasure one gets from anothers pain or misery.


I'm not so much bothered about how good or bad taste the show is- people have spills and, so long as they aren't seriously or fatally injured, that's part of the thrill of all sports and stunts.

I'm just so annoyed that the narration just goes on and on and on without let-up and that the narrator sounds like he's trying to do it all without breathing. He just has an intensely annoying voice, quite apart from the fact that he talks utter garbage that just isn't funny on any level.

The incessant music in the background is another bugbear and the way that that they show the same clip about 28,000 times per show is dreadful. Twice is good enough for most of us to get what's happening. Flipping it so that it looks like it's happening from another camera doesn't work, either.

And what the hell is with those ridiculous dubbed sound effects of people going "urggh!" or "ooff!" or whatever?

Just show the clips: don't talk, don't dub sounds, don't do background music. If the clips aren't good enough to justify the show, that says something about the format as a whole.

Personally, I just watch it with the mute button on. If there was an anti-repeat button, I'd use that too.


I see your point, but I got into it after a while. A first, it was just an exact copy of Max-X but not as good (see my post on the Max-X page a year ago), and the guy was a poor imitation of Cam Brainerd. However, after seeing about ten episodes, I was laughing pretty hard at that guy. The only thing I don't like is his imitation of ethnic accents. If they were racist and funny, like Apu, well, okay, even the Indians like Apu by now, but these aren't even funny. A lot of the stuff is funny or at least you are forced to laugh. This is a watch-by-yourself show, a guilty pleasure like Life On a Stick, a show that robs you of one IQ point per episode.


It's a sports blooper show - what did you expect? Every one of the people in the show took the risk of participating in the sport of their choice, and watching the injuries is part of the fun. If you can't handle it, DON'T WATCH IT. It's as simple as that. Leave the show for people who have a sense of humor.


Yeah, not to mention, it's just overall bad. Apparently every single athlete in the world has the same "UHH" yell when they get hurt, on account of the fact that if you watch this show, you hear that "UHH" every three seconds.

We all deserve to die. Even you, Mrs. Lovett, even I.
