i see you

anyone know what its about?

can't wait to see it, looks good, and so does arjun rampal.


well the promo suggests the obvious.. arjun rampal sees a girl that actually doesn't exist.. only he can see her.. she's a figment of his imagination.. i hope the story's good coz usually for this kinda movies(Fight Club, The Secret Window, A Beautiful Mind), the secret is revealed only at the end whereas in case of movie, the promo itself shows that only he can see her.. lets see..


I think it is a copy of the Englishe Film Just like heaven.


I do too!


It's worth mentioning that Just Like Heaven is based on the book If Only It Were True by Marc Levy. Both movies are admirable replicas of the book in differing ways. If you liked either movie, the book is definitely worth picking up. But as for I See You being a copy of Just Like Heaven, it's more that it's a screenplay based on If Only It Were True.

Have a great day! :-)
