MovieChat Forums > Gabriel (2007) Discussion > Angels bumping uglys? That did it for me...

Angels bumping uglys? That did it for me.

Its not like the film was not littered with other cliches they had to have the main female and main male bang each other. I mean how about going down the road not traveled? This movie would have been a hit in the 80's.


I like the movie a lot and heard it is supposed to be 1 of 3, but I thought they severely messed up when they had an angel and a human having sex. An angel can't sin because angel is not mortal. They shouldn't have made that scene until the next movie!!


Sex may be a sin in your book. That doesn't mean it is in everyone else's.

Besides, even if you assume abstinence was among the arcs' guidelines (I don't recall any reference to it), he was in human form. Call it a loophole.

I agree with the OP, though. It was disappointingly predictable, even though the timing was all wrong. His friends had just been murdered and their souls lost forever, not to mention his killing spree... how are those appropriate cues for a sex scene?

EDIT: Bad grammar! Bad!


Yeah, the sex scene was the only part of the movie out of place in my opinion. Totally not necessary, especially considering the circumstances. Why not just have the two remain as friends? Comrades.


I thought it worked because he loved Jade as an angel and then when he drew her sketch it seemed that he began to also fall in love with her human incarnation. Add to that the seemingly remote odds that they would survive until the next day and you have a recipe for some hot angel sex!


"An angel can't sin because angel is not mortal."

Don't assume that just because there are angels in the film that they follow Christian dogma.

Anyone have a Fpoon I could borrow?


Anyone heard of a "Nethalim"


It's "Nephilim." Actually, that's the offspring between an angel (while in angel form, not in human form.) and a female mortal (a human). They're also giants. If you would think that could result from the Angels bumping uglies, then you are sadly mistaken. Gabriel is clearly in human form and not angel form during that tryst, and thus the offspring would just be human, not Nephilim.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger



You have a point, but to me sex seems overused to the point it doesnt really feel original anymore.


It may be overused.... but it's the reason we all exist... <3

my freinds know I'm always there...
my enemies won't know I'm there till its too late.
