MovieChat Forums > Gabriel (2007) Discussion > 100 Things You Learned from Gabriel

100 Things You Learned from Gabriel

1) Don't call them angels, they're Arcs.
2) Angels need guns.
3) Angels have to have sex with other Angels (or fallen Angels) in order to find redemption and motivation to once again bring light back.
4) If you're too scared to fulfill your purpose of bringing back the light, workin in a soup kitchen. It doesn't do much, but it makes you feel better.
5) Don't mess with an Angel's face. They can be vain and all hell will break loose.

"Are you suggesting that cocoanuts migrate?"


5) Asmodeus is a demon of vanity, smart guy. Frakkin' up his pretty boy face would be rather unkind to such a prat and liable to unhinge him a bit.


6. Arcs actually apply to Archangels, not just any Angel.

7. Asmodeus has a creepy fixation with his looks.

8. Some Fallen Angels can be ugly looking.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


angels dont need guns. but when they are human what else can they use? swords would be kind of pointless and inefficient. theres only 7 of each and if they die they die for real. why not use the humans most efficient weapons for their war? youre statements are very ignorant


9 - Ripping off Dark City, Equilibrium, The Matrix and Constantine makes for original and creative film making.

10 - Bad guys who look like they're straight out of 80's hair bands are intimidating.
