Equilibrium Ripoff

Did anyone else notice that the gun fight scene with the dreadlock 'fallen', was very similar to the first and last gun fight scenes in "Equilibrium"?


Yes, it's very similar, but I'd say heavily inspired. Rip-off would imply they brought nothing new to the screen.


Well, not exactly, but this two movie really are very much alike by stile.


No, it is a "Crow," rip-off. Get it right.


LOL! As if Equilibrium was even that original! If it weren't for The Matrix, it would have looked greatly different. And if it weren't for a long line of Hong Kong action films and Japanese anime, the Matrix wouldn't have major aspects of its look.


Hell , The Matrix DIDN`T EVEN invent " Bullet Time " ! That WOULD BE Blade !


Actually is was that horrible 'Lost in Space' remake. That 'hyperdrive' thing that they used.
I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy.
