
I'm trying to get this off bittorent and not a damn thing is working! Can someone help me out?



on the site your getting it from, make sure there are "seeds" on it. seeds are people who have downloaded it 100% from the origional uploader and are now uploading to people like you. if not then try other torrent site i have seen it on loads.

or alternatively you can watch them all on youtube, every ep is there.


Ah, took a while but ive got them all and well....amazing. Love it. Funny half the time, tear inducing the rest. Especially the contract in Episode 23, can't watch that without tearing up like a schoolgirl...and I'm a guy...


I don't see every episode on youtube.


well that message was in january before google bought youtube and deleted all the copyrighted stuff of it


Too bad. I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD release. I wonder how long that will take.


Check Veoh they have the episodes there and the dvd in english I think comes out Oct 2007.

You Can't Kill A Man Born To Hang


Buying it is an option. Or get Netflix.


The guy posted this 7 years ago I don't think he's still dwelling on this issue.
