MovieChat Forums > Timber Falls (2008) Discussion > Has anything like this ever happened in ...

Has anything like this ever happened in the history of the world?

Of course not, so why make a movie like this, meaning, this story? I understand why people like horror movies but why are there so many films about backwoods families that kidnap and torture campers and road trippers? Could it be that most of Hollywood doesn't have an original thought in it's head? Could it be that as soon as one backwoods killers movie makes money then Hollywood attempts to remake and re cash in... for the next 35 years? I'm just asking?


Has there ever been a zombie outbreak? Haunted houses killing their inhabitants?

Of course not. these movies make money, though. that's the whole point of them...


Seriously, this might be the dumbest post ever.

Are there more backwoods family movies than say, vampire movies? Zombie movies? How about police detective stories? Lawyer movies?

If you had any balls you'd go to the TWILIGHT board and say, "Hey I think Hollywood's unoriginal and makes too many Vampire movies."

"The Dude Abides"


You miss the point. Vampire and zombie movies are like cartoons, nobody believes any of that is real so it's okay to be silly and over the top. But this film creates a contract with the viewer that the film maker is interested in "real life" horror, the very premise of the film is "this could really happen to you," and my point is that this assumption is ridiculous because things like this don't exist and would never happen like this, that is, this story. I'm not saying "don't make a backwoods crazy family killer movie" because they are not real, I'm saying "don't make a stupid unbelievable one" like this, make one that is real and genuinely scary. But that means you need to have a great script and be a great director; not the case here. Get it?


Do you know the filmmakers? Was this their intention? I have been a fan of the film, but even I don't think anyone thought they were making a real film. The ending with the burnt scared guy coming back after burning again? If this was their intention, I might change my mind b/c I never for a moment thought it was supposed to be real. Where was it said, "this can happen to you?"

At the screening I went to at Screamfest, the dir and cast said there was an intent to make the film scary and funny. And during the screening, the audience was laughing in the right places.

Also... have you seen the show on A&E about Paranormal activity? One episode was about a group of people that believe they are vampires. So some people (no matter how crazy) do believe in weird stuff. So to say nobody does isn't true.

And why couldn't this scenario ever happen? Real life is often much weirder than any movie. Did you think the Texas Chainsaw Massacre could happen? A family of cannibals? But it was supposedly based on a true story.

Most films are fiction. Most film plots could never happen. I think you wanted a different film. So in your opinion WRONG TURN was possible? What about WRONG TURN 2? Was DELIVERANCE? I have never heard of anyone going on a river rafting trip and coming home saying one of them was raped by a toothless hillbilly. Have you? Was HOSTEL possible? How much more believable were those films than TIMBER FALLS?

They're movies. Unless it says, "based on a true story" I chalk it up to fiction and sit and watch. If I like it - great. If not - fine. But I don't get upset at the film for being something it's not.

I get what you are saying... the events in the film are possible, but not believable. But so what? It's a fictional film.

If you know the filmmakers and this is what they told you... I wouldn't believe it.


So does that mean that you think this was a good film?




As a matter of fact, it DOES happen in real life. Examples:

-Gary Heidnick (Kidnapped and imprisoned women in his basement for up to a year so he could start his own family).
-The "Dungeon Master" (In NY State, built a dungeon in his house, kidnapped girls and kept them for years for sex).
-Philip Garrido (In the news now).
-The Austrian guy (Locked his daughter in the basement for over 20 years and had two kids by her).
-The guy in California in the 70's (Kidnapped a young girl and imprisoned her for 7 years).
-Leonard Lake and Derek Ng (Built a "bunker" in the California mountains so they could kidnap and enslave women).

Any questions?

"Well, how was it?".
"It was degrading, humiliating, emasculating... and somewhat enjoyable".


Uh none of those guys were hillbillies.

><> <><


Lake and Ng were definitely hillbillies. Strictly speaking, they were survivalists and spent all their time in the woods.

Unc John "We makin' trouble?"
Stacy "Yeah"
Unc John "What kind?"
Stacy "...The forever kind"
