MovieChat Forums > Timber Falls (2008) Discussion > Talking about ignorant and stupid

Talking about ignorant and stupid

Yes I know, is just a movie. First few minutes I thought that this "city" guy has all the qualities of a navy seal....without the training. But how stupid can a man be? After his first run in with the local boys he get rid of the gun and bullits and still leaves his girlfriend out of sight when she goes for a swim. He needs to do a nap....Then when his girlfriend is lost he falls on his face ripping a major bloodvain. Seconds later he steps in a bear trap.....what a start.....and how stupid.


Well... first it's bullets. Secondly, he never got rid of the gun. Third, yes, the character makes some questionable choices (i.e. getting rid of those bullets was not wise). But is this the first horror flick where the character makes dumb choices? Ever see JEEPERS CREEPERS? They actually say, "this is the part in the scary movie where the kids do the dumb thing." And then they did it!

But... You weren't watching very closely. He doesn't let his girlfriend swim while he takes a nap. She wakes up early in the morning, doesn't wake him up and sneaks off. The moment he realizes she's gone he goes looking for her.

And he's "stupid" for stepping in a bear trap? You think he meant to do that? And when exactly did he rip a major "bloodvain" (did you mean artery? bloodvain isn't a real thing - unless you meant blood-vein, which is a type of moth) before stepping in trap?

It's okay to not like a film, but at least watch the moments you're discussing, before posting about them.


the guy/character was a terrible protagonist because he's such a damn fool,
he stepped into that bear trap because he wasn't looking where he was going...stupid,
he threw those bullets away without arguing with his girlfriend like an idiot, weak man,
realistically the couple should have high-tailed it out of those woods after encountering such hostile locals...but then i guess we wouldn't have this fantastic film to watch,
he also made the stupid mistake of knocking people out and then not restraining them so they can come back and stab him or knock him out...a couple of times,
he also uses a very powerful shotgun on the main bad guy and instead of taking it with him, he drops it on the floor and forgets about,

so, i'd have to agree with the original poster in his assessment that the lead character in this stupid movie is about as stupid as can be
