lol @ Deacon

WATCHED ON NETFLIX --------------------

So this "Deacon" character (the one with the disfigured face)... All I kept saying each and every time I saw him on screen was... "Oh common, get out of here"... There just isn't anything special about him, he's the watered down version of Freddy and "lil Wayne" (haha) with a fetish for constantly unholstering his (kinda plastic looking) knife. It was overwhelming IMO after the first few times.

I believe this movie could have done fantastic without "Deacon".
The "crazy married couple" did a good enough job and deserve their own movie.

Personally I don't get along with movies where main role characters make dumb choices, but I wont get into it - it's just a movie. It's not bad if you consider the fact that it's really not original and rather predictable. I hope you know this before you watch it, you wont rage. If you miss this comment, prepare to point at your screen and shout,
"WTF, just do THIS and THAT, and you're home free"

Did anyone think of "MAN VS WILD" while watching this?
I was waiting for Bear Grylls to pop out and save the day.

"Make like a train & f#&k off!"


i think deacon was just a moronic attempt at a recognizable or marketable horror mascot like leatherface,
it failed miserably as deacon is essentially impotent, stupid, and ridiculous-looking
